Teller Report

Prime Minister Kishida instructs the construction of a medical system based on the approval of a new Alzheimer's drug

9/27/2023, 11:30:55 AM

Highlights: Prime Minister Kishida instructed the relevant ministers to expedite the establishment of the necessary testing and medical care systems so that the approved new Alzheimer's disease drugs can be used. The government's "Council for the Realization of a 'Happy Aging Society' to Face Dementia" was established with the participation of relevant ministers, as well as people affected by dementia and their families. The treatment of dementia has entered a new era based on the official approval of recanemab, a new therapeutic drug that acts on the causative agent of Alzheimer's.

NHK: In order to strengthen measures against dementia, the government held a new meeting on the 27th with the participation of those concerned. Prime Minister Kishida has approved Alzheimer's ...

In order to strengthen measures against dementia, the government held a new meeting on the 27th with the participation of the affected parties. Prime Minister Kishida instructed the relevant ministers to expedite the establishment of the necessary testing and medical care systems so that the approved new Alzheimer's disease drugs can be used.

The government's "Council for the Realization of a 'Happy Aging Society' to Face Dementia" was established with the participation of relevant ministers, as well as people affected by dementia and their families, and held its first meeting on the 27th.

Prime Minister Kishida pointed out that "the treatment of dementia has entered a new era" based on the official approval of recanemab, a new therapeutic drug that directly acts on the causative agent of Alzheimer's disease.

On the other hand, noting that patients with advanced diseases are not eligible for administration, he expressed his intention to accelerate the construction of the necessary testing and medical care systems for early detection so that new drugs can be used.

In addition
to promoting further development of therapeutic drugs and
considering the drug pricing system based on the latest trends in drug prices, he also instructed the relevant ministers to strengthen countermeasures
, noting that it is essential to create an environment where people without relatives can live with peace of mind even if they develop dementia.

Prime Minister Kishida stated, "We will promote the creation of an aging society in which people can age with peace of mind, and I would like to build a cross-ministerial system to solve problems."

Representative Director, Association of People with Dementia and Their Families "Dementia as my own problem"

After the meeting, Matsuyo Kamata, Representative Director of the Association of People with Dementia and Their Families, which is made up of people affected by dementia and their families, told reporters, "I want everyone to think about dementia as their own problem in order to create a society where people can live their own lives even if they have dementia while caring for their families."

"People with dementia have their own intentions even though they have various periods of illness, and their families want to live their own lives while caring for them to get better. I hope that the meeting will properly incorporate such thoughts."

Representative Director of an organization made up of people with dementia "Conveyed our thoughts"

Kazuko Fujita, Representative Director of the Japan Dementia Working Group, an organization made up of people with dementia, told reporters, "I conveyed my desire to work with people with dementia to promote community development that is acceptable to anyone with dementia. We will not become an inclusive society."

"Not only to pick up voices, but also to take measures together with the person"

The problem is that people with dementia and their families tend to be isolated because it is difficult to confide in their worries, and in various places, there are gathering places where people affected by dementia and their families gather to share their worries and problems.

In the Tagara district of Tokyo's Nerima Ward, the Community Comprehensive Support Center, commissioned by the ward, hosts exchange meetings once a month for people with dementia and their families to share their worries.

Eight people participated in an exchange meeting for people with dementia held in June, and they talked not only about their troubles but also about recent events and feelings.

Ayako Okumura, director of the Tagara Regional Comprehensive Support Center, which holds this gathering, said in response to the launch of the government meeting on the 1th, "I think it's wonderful that the person and his family stand at the center of the meeting. I hope that they will not only listen to their voices, but also create measures together with them."