Teller Report

Doctors' dilemma as sports stars rush for comeback: 'Risk'

9/26/2023, 8:09:14 AM

Highlights: Doctors' dilemma as sports stars rush for comeback: 'Risk' Every year, approximately 112,000 people linked to sports or exercise injuries in Sweden are injured. When athletes rush to get back, a lot of pressure is put on doctors. "There is a risk of compromising on what is appropriate," says former federal doctor for Tre Kronor, Björn Waldebäck.Listen to the full report "The doctors who patch up the stars" on SVT Play on Monday, December 11 at 9pm.

Every year, approximately 112,000 people linked to sports or exercise injuries in Sweden are injured. When athletes rush to get back, a lot of pressure is put on doctors. "There is a risk of compromising on what is appropriate," says former federal doctor for Tre Kronor, Björn Waldebäck.

Doctors who deal with sports injuries, in a way, hold the future of athletes in their hands. And sometimes medical decisions clash with an athlete's desire to come back quickly.

"It's difficult when you're at the absolute elite level, if you're going to play in the Olympic final or perform and maybe you're at the end of your career. You know they're doing their last Olympics and the flaws are piling up. Then it is important to weigh your words on a golden scale, says Waldebäck.

Listen to Björn Waldebäck and physician colleague Calle Siljeholm talk about some of the dilemmas that arise when an athlete is treated.

Watch the full report "The doctors who patch up the stars" on SVT Play