Teller Report

Strobl does not want to run again for CDU state chairmanship in Baden

9/25/2023, 10:39:58 AM

Highlights: Strobl does not want to run again for CDU state chairmanship in Baden. Since 2011, Thomas Strobl has been chairman of the Baden-Württemberg CDU. He proposes Manuel Hagel as his successor. However, Strobl would like to keep two offices: Minister of the Interior and Deputy Head of Government. In November, theCDU state party convention will decide on the personnel issue. The 35-year-old Hagel has been said to have ambitions for the post for many months.

Since 2011, Thomas Strobl has been chairman of the Baden-Württemberg CDU. Now he has announced that he does not want to compete again. He proposes Manuel Hagel as his successor. However, Strobl would like to keep two offices.

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Thomas Strobl: CDU state chairman, Minister of the Interior and Deputy Prime Minister of the CDU Baden-Württemberg

Photo: Frank Hoermann / Sven Simon / IMAGO

Thomas Strobl renounces a renewed candidacy for the CDU state chairmanship in Baden-Württemberg. According to the dpa news agency, the 63-year-old told the CDU presidium. Initially, the SWR had reported. Strobl has led the regional association since 2011.

According to the reports, Strobl is proposing parliamentary group leader Manuel Hagel as his successor. According to reports, Strobl himself wants to continue his offices as Minister of the Interior and Deputy Head of Government in Baden-Württemberg.

The 35-year-old Hagel has been said to have ambitions for the post of CDU state leader for many months, as well as for the top candidacy for the 2026 state election. In November, the CDU state party convention will decide on the personnel issue.

Baden-Württemberg was politically firmly in the grip of the CDU for almost six decades. In 2011, the state elections brought a spectacular turnaround: after 58 years, the party lost power to Green-Red. Until 2016, the CDU was in opposition, which was a completely new experience for them there. Since then, the Christian Democrats have governed as a junior partner with the Greens with Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens).

Police affair incriminated Strobl

Interior Minister Strobl came under political pressure because of the affair involving police inspector Andreas Renner and an associated committee of inquiry. Renner had to answer for allegations of sexual assault before the district court. However, he was acquitted due to lack of evidence.

Strobl had himself involved in the trial by passing on confidential documents from Renner's defense attorney to the press. Investigations against the Minister of the Interior were discontinued after payment of a fine. Following the verdict, Strobl had ruled out Renner's return to office. "Not everything that remains without criminal consequences is also in order, dignified and right," said the minister. "We'll clear everything up without leaving any residue."
