Teller Report

There is an anomaly in the buying shop at the highest price of "gold" ... The world's largest bullion exceeds 25.<> billion yen

9/22/2023, 10:27:07 AM

Highlights: The retail price of gold in Japan reached a new high of 21,1 yen per gram on the 1st. The world's largest gold nugget is more than six times as large as when the exhibition began in 2005. Gold leaf is also increasing, but "since it is a flagship product, I want to do my best without raising the price," says dealer. Companies that sell and purchase precious metals, mainly in the Kanto and Kansai regions, are receiving twice as many customers as usual.

NHK: The retail price of gold in Japan reached a new high of 21,1 yen per gram on the 1st. In response to the soaring price of gold, the world's largest ...

The retail price of gold in Japan reached a new high of 21,1 yen per gram on the 1st.

In response to the soaring price of gold, the world's largest gold nugget is more than six times as large as when the exhibition began.

But wait a minute.
There are some things to be aware of.

The Guinness World Record for displaying the world's heaviest gold nugget is the tourist facility "Toi Gold Mine" in Izu City, Shizuoka Prefecture.

The weight of the hammer is 250 kg. Visitors can also touch the hammer directly with their hands.

The price according to the price of gold on that day is displayed next to the gold hammer, but the display on the 22nd was 25.2200 billion yen.

When we started exhibiting in 2005, the price was about 4 million yen, so it has more than six times as much.

Another specialty of this facility is the soft-serve ice cream served at the attached café wrapped around gold.

It is sold for 1,1000 yen each, and the purchase price of gold leaf is also increasing, but "since it is a flagship product, I want to do my best without raising the price."

Rising in price continues "gold"

Tanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo Co., Ltd., a major precious metal company, announced on the 21st that the retail price of domestic gold rose to 1,1 yen per gram, setting a new high.

On the 178nd, the price dropped slightly to 22,1 yen.

The retail price
per gram of gold exceeded 1,29 yen for the first time on the 1th of last month and
recorded 6,1 yen on the 105th of this month.

Since then, it has continued to exceed 1,<> yen.

According to Tanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo Co., Ltd., the rise in prices is due to the depreciation of the yen due to differences in monetary policies between Japan and the U.S. amid uncertainty about the future of the global economy and uncertainties such as inflation.

"Prices may remain high or rise further, and even in situations where prices exceed 1,1 yen per gram, there is an active movement to protect assets by converting yen into gold at the domestic individual level," said Tanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo.

For the store of purchase

In response to the rise in gold prices, companies that sell and purchase precious metals, mainly in the Kanto and Kansai regions, are receiving twice as many customers as usual.

The store in Tokyo was visited by customers from the opening at 2 a.m. on the 22nd.

I spoke to a woman in her 50s who was visiting to assess gold necklaces and rings.

"When I saw the news that the price of gold exceeded 1,1 yen per gram, my daughter recommended it, so I came to sell gold products that I no longer use at home.

It is said that the rise in the price of gold has changed the gold products brought in.

In addition to accessories, the number of medals and "ingots" that were held for investment purposes is increasing.

Gold Plaza Appraiser Taku Kawasaki

Taku Kawasaki, appraiser at Gold Plaza:
"The number of customers has increased since last month when it exceeded 1,1 yen per gram. On the other hand, there are many customers who want to buy gold, and the high price situation is expected to continue for a while."

Beware of "push buying"!

In response to the soaring price of gold, we must be careful about troubles caused by so-called "push buying".

According to the National Consumer Affairs Center, inquiries about door-to-door purchases are increasing, such as "precious metals were forcibly purchased cheaply by a buyer who came to my home."

The total number of consultations as of the 19th of this fiscal year was 3464,582, which is 20 consultations, an increase of <>% compared to the same period last year.

This month, we have received inquiries that gold necklaces were bought by a dealer, and when we looked them up later, they found that the price was quite cheap.

The person who consulted with him applied for a cooling-off, but the contractor gave an unclear answer, saying that it would take time.

"We don't know for sure if the rise in gold prices is behind this, but there is a possibility that there will be more such cases in the future. In addition, in door-to-door purchases, it is possible not to hand over the goods for eight days after receiving the document, which is one way to prevent trouble."