Teller Report

Journal de l'Afrique - UNESCO World Heritage: 4 memorials of the genocide of the Tutsi in Rwanda inscribed on the list

9/21/2023, 8:15:11 PM

Highlights: Benin launched a school feeding programme in 2017 to encourage girls and boys to stay in school. The World Food Programme designated Benin as world champion of school canteens. The president of Guinea's transition gave a ten-minute speech in which he pointed the finger at those he described as real putschists. France 24 invites you to look back on the news that marked the week.I subscribe to France 24's weekly Newsquiz to test your knowledge of stories you saw on France 24.

"A historic decision" is how the Rwandan government spokeswoman described UNESCO's announcement. Six months before the 30th annual commemorations of the genocide against the Tutsis, 4...

Mamady Doumbouya at the UN rostrum. The president of Guinea's transition gave a ten-minute speech in which he pointed the finger at those he described as real putschists: "White collars", who, according to him, change the law to stay in power.

Benin launched a school feeding programme in 2017 to encourage girls and boys to stay in school. Last May, the World Food Programme designated Benin as world champion of school canteens. The coverage rate has increased from 30% to 75% in 6 years.

The summary of the weekFrance 24 invites you to look back on the news that marked the week

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