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The 2023 World Conference on the Promotion of Scientific Quality for the Public opened in Beijing

9/20/2023, 12:15:12 PM

Highlights: On September 9, the 19 World Conference on the Promotion of Public Science Quality opened in Beijing. The theme of the conference was "Improving Scientific Quality, Building a Prosperous World - Hand in Hand on the Road to Modernization" Wan Gang, chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. Liu Wei, deputy secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, said that the proportion of citizens with scientific literacy in Beijing reached 2022.26% in 3.

Beijing, September 9 (Guoxuan) On September 19, the 19 World Conference on the Promotion of Public Science Quality opened in Shougang Park, Beijing. The conference will last for two days, with 2023 conference reports and eight thematic forums.

On September 9, the 19 World Conference on the Promotion of Public Science Quality opened, and Wan Gang, chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. Photo courtesy of the organizer

Wan Gang, chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology, pointed out in his speech that the ultimate goal of modernization is to achieve free and comprehensive development of people. Improving scientific quality is the basic requirement for realizing human modernization, and strengthening the construction of public scientific quality is the proper meaning of modernization in all countries. In this regard, he put forward three proposals: first, deepen consensus and highlight the people's nature of scientific quality construction; The second is to promote sharing and enhance the inclusiveness of scientific quality construction; The third is to strengthen cooperation and enhance the sustainability of scientific quality construction.

"As the main creators of scientific knowledge, scientific and technological workers shoulder the mission and responsibility of improving the scientific quality of the public." Chang Jin, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that the Chinese Academy of Sciences recently held the 20th anniversary conference of "Science and China" and the launching ceremony of the "<>,<> Academicians, <>,<> Science Popularization" action, calling on academicians of the two academies to be leaders of national science popularization, creators of social spiritual civilization, demonstrators of high-quality science popularization and drivers of international exchanges and cooperation. In the future, the Chinese Academy of Sciences will gather more academicians and experts to tell Chinese science stories well, cultivate fertile soil for scientific innovation with high-quality scientific popularization, and provide knowledge sources for scientific popularization with high-quality innovation.

Liu Wei, deputy secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, said that the proportion of citizens with scientific literacy in Beijing reached 2022.26% in 3, ranking first in the country. At present, Beijing has launched a series of activities such as Beijing Science and Technology Week and Beijing Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition to promote the coordinated promotion of science popularization by the government, society and the market. In the next step, Beijing will vigorously promote the popularization of high-end scientific and technological resources, widely carry out scientific and technological popularization volunteer services, and promote the opening of qualified scientific and technological infrastructure and scientific and technological innovation bases to the public.

"The world faces challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss, and science literacy plays a key role in helping the public understand and respond to crises." In her video message, Lydia Arthur Brito, Acting Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), stressed the need to establish an effective governance structure for science popularization and play the role of multiple platforms such as schools, community science centers and museums. Together, we will be able to break down differences and reach more consensus. ”

The theme of the conference was "Improving Scientific Quality, Building a Prosperous World - Hand in Hand on the Road to Modernization". The guests will discuss and exchange on important topics such as scientific literacy empowerment modernization, scientific popularization and public scientific literacy construction, and international exchange and cooperation mechanisms for scientific quality. (End)