Teller Report

Three dead babies found in the basement of a house in Poland: a father and a daughter are arrested for murder

9/19/2023, 9:54:10 AM

Highlights: Police discovered the bodies of two babies buried shallow and wrapped in plastic bags. On Saturday, officers arrested a man and a woman, father and daughter. That day they found the lifeless body of a third baby in the basement of the same house in an advanced state of decomposition. Piotr Gierasik, 54, and Paulina Gier asik, 20, face life in prison on charges of murder and incest. The neighbors have declared to several media that both were walking through the town holding hands.

The inhabitants of Czerniki, in northern Poland, learned last weekend of one of the most horrifying events that have occurred in the town.

The inhabitants of Czerniki, in northern Poland, learned last weekend of one of the most horrifying events that have occurred in the town.

On Friday, September 15, police discovered the bodies of two babies buried shallow and wrapped in plastic bags.

On Saturday, officers arrested a man and a woman, father and daughter. That day they found the lifeless body of a third baby in the basement of the same house in an advanced state of decomposition.

Piotr Gierasik, 54, and Paulina Gierasik, 20, face life in prison on charges of murder and incest.

The neighbors have declared to several media that both were walking through the town holding hands. He, they warned, had shaved his daughter's head so that no man would approach him.

According to the British Daily Mail, Piotr and Paulina maintained a sentimental relationship for four years. As a result of these consensual relationships, two of the babies were born. The third would come after the rape of another daughter.

The newspapers collect the testimony of workers of a pastry shop, companions of the detained woman. They say Paulia tried to disguise the weight change due to pregnancy by wearing wide clothes and tight belts.

"We all assumed she was pregnant, I think she had tied belts around herself like a kind of corset," says a fellow on the Super Express.

Everyone explains that she was going to be on vacation for three weeks, but she returned earlier than planned and the change was huge: "I was much thinner, weaker and constantly tired."

Another colleague told Fakt newspaper that "they lived as a couple, she called the father by his first name and they walked hand in hand."

Mariusz Duszyski of the Gdansk district prosecutor's office said the woman has been charged with two counts of murder and having an incestuous relationship with her father.

"The man was charged with three counts of murder, one count of incest with his 20-year-old daughter and one count of having incestuous relations with another daughter," Duszyski added.

According to the Prosecutor's Office, two of the murdered children came from his relationship with the 20-year-old, who had a consensual relationship with her father.

The third baby was born from a relationship he had with another daughter, after forcing her to have sex.

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