Teller Report

Eco-bonus 2024: the list of affected vehicles will not be revealed before December

9/19/2023, 8:54:54 AM

Highlights: On Monday, the Prime Minister presented the ecological planning project to party leaders. The head of state will make the announcements next Monday with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality in 2050, thanks to the development of the electric car. Until now, the bonus was allocated to all electric cars, regardless of where they were manufactured. But faced with the multiplication of vehicles manufactured in China, the government has decided to change its tune. The list of eligible cars will not be known before the end of the year, because manufacturers have until October 10 to submit applications.

On Monday, the Prime Minister presented the ecological planning project to party leaders. The head of state will make the announcements next Monday with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality in 2050, thanks to the development of the electric car. And to encourage its use, the executive intends to increase the ecological bonus.

Baptiste Morin / Photo credits: FRANK HOERMANN / SVEN SIMON / SVEN SIMON / DPA PICTURE-ALLIANCE VIA AFP 10:45 am, September 19, 2023

On Monday, the Prime Minister presented the ecological planning project to party leaders. The head of state will make the announcements next Monday with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality in 2050, thanks to the development of the electric car. And to encourage its use, the executive intends to increase the ecological bonus.

Top start for the ecological bonus of 2024. The decree and the decree consecrated must be published in the Official Journal in the coming hours while the contours of this new formula aid are becoming clearer. Until now, the bonus was allocated to all electric cars, regardless of where they were manufactured. But faced with the multiplication of vehicles manufactured in China and the multiplication of Chinese brands on the market, the government has decided to change its tune. From now on, the bonus will be granted according to the carbon impact of the vehicle's production.

The famous list of eligible cars will not be known before the end of the year, because manufacturers have until October 10 to submit applications for their models. But the verdict will not fall until December 15, which suggests a tight schedule. "We know that this eligibility will have a lot of impact on the sales volumes of this or that model, so it leaves little time for manufacturers and dealers to change stock volumes accordingly," says Arnaud Aymé, automotive specialist at SIA Partners.

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Ecological and pro-European criteria

On the other hand, we know which aspects are concerned by the new ecological bonus criteria: the materials used during production, the environmental impact of the plant via its energy consumption, battery technology or the environmental balance of vehicle transport. At the end of the day, there is an environmental score out of 80.

It remains to know the level of the bonus. Today, it is 5,000 euros and can reach 7,000 euros for the most modest. The executive wants to inflate this increase, but it is the finance bill that will have to decide the question.