Teller Report

Shanxi Jingle responded that "many teachers in Jingle No. 2 Middle School were accused of eating empty pay": the discipline inspection department has intervened in the investigation

9/18/2023, 2:04:08 PM

Highlights: Jingle County No. 9 Middle School issued the "Explanation on Today's Headlines Reflecting the Empty Pay of Jingle No. 17 Middle School Teachers" (hereinafter referred to as the "Situation Statement") The "Fact Sheet" shows that when the school starts in the fall of 2022, the Jingle County Party Committee and the county government decided to suspend Zhiyuan Middle School. The school will further tighten discipline, strengthen the management of teaching staff, strictly complete the tasks assigned by the superior department, and strive to improve the quality of teaching.

Taiyuan, September 9 (Yang Jing) The reporter learned from the Education and Science Bureau of Jingle County, Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province on the 18th that in response to the problem of "teachers of Jingle No. 18 Middle School eating empty pay" reflected on the Internet, the local discipline inspection department has intervened, and the education department has also set up an investigation team to conduct a joint investigation, and the work is currently advancing.

In response to the incident, Jingle County No. 9 Middle School issued the "Explanation on Today's Headlines Reflecting the Empty Pay of Jingle No. 17 Middle School Teachers" (hereinafter referred to as the "Situation Statement") on September <>.

The "Fact Sheet" shows that when the school starts in the fall of 2022, the Jingle County Party Committee and the county government decided to suspend Zhiyuan Middle School when implementing the policy of regulating public participation and public participation, and some teachers in Zhiyuan Middle School were diverted to Jingle No. <> Middle School. At that time, some elderly and sick teachers could not go to work after taking leave, and the school handled the leave procedures for these teachers in time according to the relevant regulations, and deducted performance pay according to the relevant regulations, and the school had issued a return to work notice to these teachers again before the start of school, requiring them to return to work on time.

With regard to the professional titles of such teachers, the previous employment period is about to end and the new employment period is about to begin, at which time the school will adjust the relevant regulations on the recruitment of teachers who cannot be employed in accordance with the relevant regulations of the county management school.

The "Fact Sheet" also shows that on the morning of September 2023, 9, the school held a conference on the morality and discipline of all teaching staff, and the school invited relevant leaders of the Education Science and Technology Bureau to participate in the meeting. At the meeting, the leaders of the Education Science and Technology Bureau particularly emphasized that teachers whose leave expires will return to school immediately, and those who cannot return to school due to illness should go through the leave procedures again.

The "Fact Sheet" said that in the future, the school will further tighten discipline, strengthen the management of teaching staff, strictly complete the tasks assigned by the superior department, seriously serve parents and students, and strive to improve the quality of teaching. (End)