Teller Report

New report: Seven million museum visits this summer

9/18/2023, 6:03:52 AM

Highlights: Visitor numbers to Sweden's museums increased by 8 percent during the summer. The increase has to do with several factors, including tourism and the rainy weather. The government's decision to remove free admission to state museums last year has contributed to fewer visitors. Visits to museums that charge an entrance fee increased by an average of 6 percent compared with museums that have free admission."It's been a real museum summer in Sweden. This is a show of strength," says Gunnar Ardelius, Secretary General of Sweden's Museums.

Visitor numbers to the country's museums increased by 8 percent during the summer, compared with the same period last year. This is shown in a new report from the Swedish Museums Association, which is based on responses from 163 of the country's museums.

The museums have had a total of 7 million visits during the summer, which means that visitor numbers are back at the same levels as in 2019.

"It's been a real museum summer in Sweden. This is a show of strength. Museums stand firm as visitor magnets and show their important role in society," says Gunnar Ardelius, Secretary General of Sweden's Museums.

The increase has to do with several factors. According to Gunnar Ardelius, museums have finally returned after the pandemic, tourism has contributed positively as well as the rainy weather.

Free admission brings more visitors

The report also points out that the government's decision to remove free admission to state museums last year has contributed to fewer visitors. Visits to museums that charge an entrance fee increased by an average of 6 percent compared to museums that have free admission.

"One trend that can be seen is that the removal of free admission to state museums resulted in fewer visits, but that other museums with free admission have increased visits by 14 percent," says Gunnar Ardelius.