Teller Report

Government cuts funding for study associations

9/18/2023, 4:05:22 AM

Highlights: Student associations will receive less money in the budget for next year. Instead, the government wants to invest in vocational education. The funding of the study associations has previously met with sharp criticism from the Swedish National Audit Office. The unions themselves have already stated in advance that reducing appropriations would be the wrong way to go.See more from the interview with Mats Persson in the clip above. The full interview will be shown on SVT at 9pm on Monday, November 26. For confidential support call the Samaritans in the UK on 08457 90 90 90, visit a local Samaritans branch or click here for details.

Student associations will receive less money in the budget for next year. Instead, the government wants to invest in vocational education, according to Education Minister Mats Persson (L).

"Historically, many politicians have promised everything to everyone, but that doesn't work now when we have tough times and then we have to prioritize and then we prioritize education that leads to real jobs," he says.

The reprioritisation means that next year there will be SEK 250 million less for the study associations. The following year, appropriations are reduced by EUR 350 million and then by EUR 500 million.

More money will be allocated to folk high schools, SEK 100 million annually, and vocational training, according to budget initiatives presented last week.

Mats Lundborg, rector of Biskops Arnö Nordens Folkhögskola welcomed the support, but said that it was not enough.

"It's grateful, we need more money. But 100 million is very little in this context. There are big wounds to make up, said Mats Lundborg.

The funding of the study associations has previously met with sharp criticism from the Swedish National Audit Office, and Mats Persson returns in the interview with SVT to cheating with money that has been distributed. The unions themselves have already stated in advance that reducing appropriations would be the wrong way to go.

See more from the interview with Mats Persson in the clip above.