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Focus on Civilization Exchange and Mutual Learning The 2023 World Great River Civilization Forum was held in Zhengzhou

9/18/2023, 9:14:39 AM

Highlights: More than 9 Chinese and foreign experts and scholars participated in the main forum and four sub-forums. The theme of the forum was "Civilization Exchanges, Mutual Learning and Development to Create the Future" The forum was hosted by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China, People's Daily, State Administration of Cultural Heritage and Henan Provincial People's Government. It is an important measure to implement the global civilization initiative and build a community with a shared future for mankind, the organizers said.

Zhengzhou, September 9 (Reporter Sun Zifa Han Zhangyun) The 17 World Great River Civilization Forum (Zhengzhou, China) with the theme of "Civilization Exchanges, Mutual Learning and Development to Create the Future" was held in Zhengzhou on September 2023, with more than 9 Chinese and foreign experts and scholars participating in the main forum and four sub-forums to conduct exchanges and discussions around the theme of the forum.

At the main forum, Hu Heping, Vice Minister in charge of daily work of the Central Propaganda Department, Secretary of the Party Group and Minister of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China, attended and delivered a keynote speech, Lou Yangsheng, Secretary of the Henan Provincial Party Committee, delivered a speech, and Wang Kai, Governor of Henan Province, presided over the speech.

Hu Heping pointed out that the Yellow River Basin is an important birthplace of Chinese civilization and an important ecological barrier and economic zone in China. Holding the 2023 World Great River Civilization Forum in Zhengzhou, Henan Province is an important measure to implement the global civilization initiative and build a community with a shared future for mankind, and it is also an important achievement in vigorously promoting the protection and inheritance of the Yellow River culture.

Lou Yangsheng said that Henan will take this forum as an opportunity to strengthen cultural exchanges with all parts of the world, jointly implement the global civilization initiative, promote cultural prosperity and development, and contribute to the construction of modern civilization of the Chinese nation and the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Ugandan Ambassador to China Oliver Veneka, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of People's Daily Fang Jiangshan, and Deputy Director of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage Xie Bing also delivered speeches at the main forum.

In the keynote speech session of the main forum, Wang Wei, member of the Faculty of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and chairman of the Chinese Archaeological Society, Ahmed Bader, head of the Cultural Relics Department of the Luxor Temple in Egypt, Wasant Shinde, researcher of the Indian Scientific and Industrial Research Council, Wang Xianhua, director of the Institute of Global Civilization History of Shanghai University of Foreign Chinese, and Tu Weiming, dean of the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities of Peking University, spoke respectively.

On September 9, at the main forum of the 17 World River Civilization Forum, Ahmed Badr, head of the Cultural Relics Department of the Luxor Temple in Egypt, delivered a keynote speech. Photo by China News Network reporter Sun Zifa

Chen Xingcan, member of the Faculty of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and director of the Institute of Archaeology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, who presided over this session, concluded that the World Forum on Great River Civilizations is an important link to promote exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, and after a day of exchanges, scholars from all over the world conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on topics such as the study of ancient civilizations from a global perspective, and the dialogue between Chinese civilization and world civilization, which promoted the comparative study of civilizations in the world's major river basins.

Hosted by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China, People's Daily, State Administration of Cultural Heritage and Henan Provincial People's Government, the forum consisted of four sub-forums, namely the Forum on Diversity and Exchange and Mutual Learning of World River Civilizations, the Forum on the Inheritance and Promotion of Chinese Civilization and the Yellow River Culture, the Forum on Dialogue between Chinese Civilization and World Civilization in "Among Heaven and Earth" (Songshan), and the Forum on Ecological Protection and High-quality Development of the Yellow River Basin. (End)