Teller Report

Europe 13pm: bullying and cooking classes at school

9/18/2023, 1:45:05 PM

Highlights: Céline Géraud, accompanied by the editorial staff of Europe 1, offers every noon a complete update on current events followed by debates between guests and listeners. SEASON 2023 - 202415h38, September 18, 2023.Guests: Marie Quartier, associate professor of literature, trained in the systemic approach and graduated in psychology. Marie-Jo Michel, author of "Je vie, je ris, je meurs" Ed Maîa, 2019. Laurent Kaufmann, Federal Secretary of Sgen-CFDT- Laurent Mariotte, presenter of La table des bons vivants on Europe 1.

Céline Géraud, accompanied by the editorial staff of Europe 1, offers every noon a complete update on current events followed by debates between guests and listeners.

Céline Géraud SEASON 2023 - 202415h38, September 18, 2023

Céline Géraud, accompanied by the editorial staff of Europe 1, offers every noon a complete update on current events followed by debates between guests and listeners.


- Marie Quartier, associate professor of literature, trained in the systemic approach and graduated in psychology, founded the Orfeee association dedicated to the study and treatment of school suffering in 2014. Author of "Les Blessures de l'école" with Jean-Pierre Bellon.

- Marie-Jo Michel, author of "Je vie, je ris, je meurs" Ed Maîa, 2019

- Laurent Kaufmann, Federal Secretary of Sgen-CFDT

- Laurent Mariotte, presenter of La table des bons vivants on Europe 1