Teller Report

"How to receive medical care with peace of mind" Patient Support NPO Symposium

9/18/2023, 9:44:28 AM

Highlights: An NPO working on patient support held an online symposium on the 18th to provide medical care with peace of mind. In commemoration of "World Patient Safety Day" on the 17th of this month, the symposium was held. The symposium included people who support patients as medical dialogue promoters, and bereaved families of medical accidents. It also included experts on measures to realize better medical care. It was held on the same day as the World Health Organization's World Patient safety Day.

【NHK】In commemoration of "World Patient Safety Day" on the 17th of this month, an NPO working on patient support held an online symposium on the 18th to provide medical care with peace of mind.

In commemoration of World Patient Safety Day on the 17th of this month, an NPO working to support patients held an online symposium on the 18th to exchange opinions with experts on what is necessary to receive medical care with peace of mind.

Since the 17th is designated as "World Patient Safety Day" by WHO = World Health Organization, this symposium was held online on the 18th by an NPO working to promote dialogue between medical care and patients.

In this report, Hiromi Igarashi, a lawyer who is familiar with medical accidents, introduced a case 20 years ago in which a 5-year-old child died suddenly immediately after hospitalization, and said that the hospital's repeated "did its best" without explaining the details of the situation requested by the bereaved family led to a strong sense of distrust.

Sonoko Motoya, an assistant professor at Tokyo Health Care University, explained a system that allows medical institutions to assign "medical dialogue promoters" to promote dialogue with patients, saying, "The current situation is that the use of the system is sluggish. It is necessary to take support measures for 'medical dialogue promoters' in medical institutions and frontlines that have adopted such a system."

In addition, at the symposium, staff in charge of responding to medical accidents at hospitals, people who support patients as medical dialogue promoters, and bereaved families of medical accidents participated in the symposium and exchanged opinions on measures to realize better medical care.