Teller Report

Bloody wave of violence continues – seven killed in ten days

9/17/2023, 3:14:16 PM

Highlights: Seven people have been shot dead in ten days, in Stockholm and Uppsala. Even more have been affected in revenge shootings and blasts around the country. Several of the violent acts are suspected to be a result of a split in some of the top echelons of the Foxtrot network. On Thursday, September 7, a woman in her 60s was shot dead. She was the mother of one of the leaders of the criminal network. According to sources to SVT News, the murder was a response to a revenge shooting in Istanbul.

Seven people have been shot dead in ten days, in Stockholm and Uppsala. Even more have been affected in revenge shootings and blasts around the country. Several of the violent acts are suspected to be a result of a split in some of the top echelons of the Foxtrot network, according to SVT's information.

On Thursday, September 7, a woman in her 60s was shot dead in her home in the Gränby area of Uppsala. She was the mother of one of the leaders of the criminal network Foxtrot, and according to sources to SVT News, the murder was a response to a revenge shooting in Istanbul with links to the "Kurdish fox", Rawa Majid, and his allies.

The fatal shooting was expected to lead to more violence. This has also been the case.

In ten days, seven people have been killed in shootings. However, not all of them have links to the factional battle within the Foxtrot.

  • September 7: Woman in her 60s killed.
  • September 11: A 13-year-old boy is found shot in a forest in Handen in Haninge. He was reported missing. The police do not suspect any links to the Foxtrot network, according to SVT's information, but are investigating links to other criminal networks.
  • September 12: 25-year-old Mogos Amanuel Tesfemariam is shot dead in his stairwell in Uppsala, on his way to work in home care. According to information to SVT, a relative of Rawa Majid must have been the actual target.
  • September 12: Man in his 20s is shot dead in Helenelund in Sollentuna.
  • September 13: A 19-year-old man is shot on an open street in Vasastan in central Stockholm. He is said to have family ties to people involved in Gävle's gang war in 2020, according to information to SVT.
  • September 14: A boy in his late teens is murdered in Västertorp in southern Stockholm. He was a resident of Enköping and, according to SVT's information, can be linked to Rawa Majid.
  • September 16: A man in his 40s dies after being shot in Råcksta in western Stockholm.

On two occasions, there have also been shots at homes in Stenhagen in Uppsala. According to information to SVT, the targets have been Rawa Majid's mother-in-law and father-in-law. No one was physically injured in the attacks.

On September 14, another shooting took place at an apartment in Hageby in Norrköping. The woman who lives at the address is, according to SVT's information, the mother of one of the Swedish citizens arrested after the shooting in Turkey.