Teller Report

Rammstein: Lithuanian public prosecutor's office investigates defamation

9/15/2023, 8:54:26 AM

Highlights: Vilnius District Prosecutor's Office has opened an investigation on suspicion of defamation. The investigation was initiated after receiving a lawyer's letter from Till Lindemann in July. The Northern Irishwoman had claimed on X, then Twitter, in May that she had been drugged at a backstage party in the Lithuanian city of Vilnius before a Rammstein concert. So far, no one has been "charged or accused" of making a false statement, authorities say. The German public prosecutor's office in Berlin closed investigations against the 60-year-old after two months.

The Rammstein case is occupying prosecutors in Vilnius, Lithuania. According to a lawyer's letter from Till Lindemann, investigations were initiated - but not against the Northern Irishwoman Shelby Lynn.

In the context of the allegations against Rammstein singer Till Lindemann, the Vilnius District Prosecutor's Office has opened an investigation on suspicion of defamation. This was confirmed by the authority at the request of SPIEGEL on Friday morning. The investigation was initiated after receiving a lawyer's letter from Till Lindemann in July. In order not to hinder the ongoing investigation, no more detailed information will be disclosed.

So far, no one has been "charged or accused"

The »BILD« newspaper had falsely reported on Thursday that the Lithuanian public prosecutor's office was investigating Shelby Lynn in this context. The investigators would check "whether the 24-year-old made a false statement." This fact was not confirmed by the Lithuanian authorities when asked. So far, no one has been "charged or accused." Through her lawyer, Lynn said: "We reject the allegation of false testimony and will consider legal action." The "BILD" report was picked up on Thursday by numerous media.

The Northern Irishwoman had claimed on X, then Twitter, in May that she had been drugged at a backstage party in the Lithuanian city of Vilnius before a Rammstein concert. A little later, other women made accusations against the Rammstein frontman.

Lindemann and his band deny the allegations. The public prosecutor's office in Berlin closed investigations against the 60-year-old on suspicion of committing sexual offenses and violations of the Narcotics Act after two months. The Lithuanian public prosecutor's office also decided, after a thorough examination, not to investigate Till Lindemann or other members of the band.

In August, the Hamburg Regional Court rejected an application by Till Lindemann for a preliminary injunction against Shelby Lynn.
