Teller Report

Cost of travelling by ambulance can be introduced in Östergötland

9/14/2023, 4:14:04 PM

Highlights: The majority in the Swedish parliament want to increase the cost of emergency care. The aim is to save money, but also to invest in other areas. The proposal will be examined by the health and medical board in November. The majority of the parliament is made up of the Moderates, the Social Democrats, the Greens and the Finns. The plan is being considered by the Health and Medical Board, which will make a decision by the end of the year. For more information on the proposal, see: For confidential support call the Samaritans on 08457 90 90 90, visit a local Samaritans branch or click here.

SEK 400 for a visit to the emergency room and to introduce a new cost of SEK 200 for ambulance travel – this will become a reality at the end of the year if the proposal from the majority in Region Östergötland goes through.

The proposal for a doubling of the cost of an emergency visit – and that it should cost to go by ambulance to the hospital – comes from the region's ruling majority, the Moderates, the Christian Democrats and the Liberals, supported by the Sweden Democrats. The reason is to save money – around SEK 10-15 million is expected – but also to be able to invest in other things.

– The Health and Medical Services Board has a limited budget and we will not receive any additional funds this year. This means that if we are going to make any investments, such as in the child covid ward, we need to find funding for it, and this is one of the parts we are looking at, says Fredrik Sjöstrand (M), chairman of the health and medical care committee.

"Very critical"

But the proposal is criticized by the opposition.

"This is information that we have received through the media. Now that we hear about these proposals, I can say that we are very critical. This will affect the people who need healthcare the most. If you need an ambulance and emergency medical care, then you should get it. Then fees should not be an obstacle, says Lena Micko (S), second vice chairman of the health and medical care board.

The proposal will now be examined for consideration by the regional council in November.

Hear more about the proposal – and the opposition's criticism – in the player above.