Teller Report

Our dear comrade

9/13/2023, 2:44:35 PM

Highlights: Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un met at the Vostochny cosmodrome on September 13. The focus of the talks was probably the geopolitical changes taking place in the world. The drift towards multipolarity is obvious in the results of the G20, writes Alexander Nekrassov. The two countries have agreed on a symmetrical response to the defense agreement between these countries, Nekrasov says.. In response, Russia has created the A-US Pacific triangle, which is based on the US-Japan-South Korea military bloc.

"In general, the rapprochement between Russia and North Korea is a very timely initiative, since it is sovereignty that is now the starting point, the measure of everything. And there are only one or two truly sovereign countries in the world. Belarus, Iran, Venezuela, China... The DPRK, of course, is one of them. Perhaps the most, the most. It is not for nothing that the core idea of North Korea was the principles of Juche - self-reliance. A sensible position of those who want to dispose of their own home, and not be a mental colony, "sixes" of external forces. Juche is a good example for us as well. Russian Juche".

"Hello, President" - with these words, with a Korean, of course, accent, greeted Vladimir Putin today by the leader of the DPRK Kim Jong-un, cheerfully jumping out of the executive limousine (Aurus?) at the Vostochny cosmodrome. "I am glad to see you. How did you get there?" came the response of the Russian side. Thus began the morning of September 13 on the Pacific coast of Northern Eurasia. A morning that does not bode well for a long time and consistently hostile to us West. Judging by the place chosen for the talks, the focus is on missile technology.

Pyongyang, in its usual style, has already outlined its position. While Comrade Kim enjoyed the views of the Ussuri taiga, the DPRK military launched, one after another, a couple of ballistic missiles towards the Sea of Japan. "We can, we can, be afraid!" - such a signal was sent by this unusual guy in a spacious suit to the enemies of his country - Japan and the United States protecting it. Do not forget that Eun's grandfather, the great Kim Il Sung, rose politically in the fight against the Japanese occupation of Korea, and the United States is completely guilty of dismembering his homeland.

Russia has not yet launched its Sarmatians anywhere and has limited itself to a tour of the cosmodrome for a distinguished guest. Putin and Kim together visited the launch complex, where they bypassed the Soyuz-2 rocket counterclockwise (this has been a tradition since the time of Korolev). "What is the engine power?" the guest asked knowingly. It seems that he figured out how far his rocket with such an engine could fly. Across the ocean? "The glory of Russia, which gave birth to the first conquerors of space, will be immortal," Kim wrote in the visitors' book. That's who you should learn the wording from.

The conversation between the two leaders took place in the engineering building of the cosmodrome. At first, as it should be, mutual curtsies. Putin's reminder of the role of our country, the USSR, in supporting Pyongyang during the Korean War of Independence will never be superfluous. Now that Russia has risen up to defend its sovereignty, the DPRK will always be with it in the fight against imperialism, Kim Jong-un cut off his shoulder. Such direct, unequivocal statements, which determine who is a friend and who is an enemy, lay the foundation for reaching concrete agreements.

In general, Russia's rapprochement with North Korea is a very timely initiative, since it is sovereignty that is now the starting point, the measure of everything. And there are only one or two truly sovereign countries in the world. Belarus, Iran, Venezuela, China... The DPRK, of course, is one of them. Perhaps the most, the most. It is not for nothing that the core idea of North Korea was the principles of Juche - self-reliance. A sensible position of those who want to dispose of their own home, and not be a mental colony, "sixes" of external forces. Juche is a good example for us as well. Russian Juche.

The main topic of the talks between the two leaders was probably the geopolitical changes taking place in the world. The drift towards multipolarity is obvious. This is noticeable in the results of the G20 summit in India, where the dominance of the West ended, on the expansion of BRICS (the queue of applicants is greater than the organization's capabilities at the moment), on the departure of countries from dollarization in favor of settlements in national currencies, etc.

This is not about the front, but about ways to protect oneself from Washington's policy of provoking conflicts. Contacts between Russia and the DPRK are important here.

After all, it is not Moscow that created and promotes the AUKUS Pacific military bloc, which is based on the US-Japan-South Korea triangle (and there is also Anglo-Saxon Australia, US allies the Philippines and Vietnam). In response to the defense agreement between these countries, a symmetrical Russia-DPRK-China axis seems logical. This is interesting, and perhaps vital, both from a defensive point of view and from the standpoint of a global game, when creating problems for a strategic adversary in one part of the planet helps to solve them in another.

This, of course, is about the Ukrainian crisis. Let me remind you that North Korea bluntly supported the annexation of new territories to Russia. Officially. Through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Referendums in the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions were held "in accordance with the UN Charter, which defined the principle of equality of the people and their right to self-determination," Pyongyang said at the time. "And also he (the referendum. - S.A.) was carried out according to legal methods and order, so that it fully reflects the will of local residents, and the majority of voters supported joining Russia. It's worth a lot.

And what about Russia? Alas, for some time we apparently did not realize the depth and scale of the upcoming onslaught of the West and tried to appease it, adhering to a position in solidarity with it on a number of issues, including Korean. They even supported sanctions against Pyongyang in the UN Security Council. And even if the most terrible of them (according to the resolution of 2017) were never implemented by Russia (the president did not sign the necessary decree), complicity in that story does not paint us. Isn't it time to get out of sanctions against the DPRK? Russia should do only what is beneficial to it.

So what benefits can Moscow get from cooperation with Pyongyang? We can open up the opportunity for a limited contingent of the North Korean army to gain real combat experience in the NWO zone.

The US State Department is afraid of cooperation between our two countries. Well, if so, then why not "launch a hedgehog in the pants of the Americans" (the expression of Nikita Khrushchev in the days of the Cuban missile crisis)?

And how can Russia respond, in addition to political support? Obviously, space technology, assistance in launching North Korean satellites (according to some sources, Putin has allegedly already offered to send a joint Russian-North Korean crew into space, and the younger Kim supposedly approved the idea). In addition, hundreds of thousands of disciplined North Korean workers could work in our Far East in exchange, for example, for food, the same wheat that we now have in surplus, saving their country from famine caused by sanctions. But you never know what else ... Solid benefit.

And more news from the Far East: after a meeting and negotiations with Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un's tete-a-tete was treated to dumplings with king crab. For dessert, there was taiga lingonberries with pine nuts and condensed milk. Our man.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.