Teller Report

INTERVIEW - Alexandra and Audrey Lamy for the first time together on screen in "Killer Coaster": "We only want it to start again!"

9/13/2023, 3:42:50 PM

Highlights: Alexandra Lamy and her sister Audrey Lamy are the stars of Killer Coaster, a crazy and one-of-a-kind horror comedy. Chloé Jouannet, Alexandra's daughter, is also part of this family project in which the Lamys get out of their comfort zone by investigating the death of a young man at a funfair in Palavas-les-Flots in 1998. Fans of Un gars, une fille will be surprised to discover the unforgettable Alex alias Chouchou, in the role of Sandrine.

Nikola Lange is a real lucky one: the young director, in his thirties, is indeed the very first to bring together on screen the Lamy sisters, Audrey and Alexandra, in his series " Killer Coaster, available Friday, September 15 on Amazon Prime Video. Chloé Jouannet, Alexandra's daughter, is also part of this family project in which the Lamys get out of their comfort zone by investigating the death of a young man at a funfair in Palavas-les-Flots in 1998. Meet the three actresses who can't wait: shoot a second season of " Killer Coaster" !

Solène Delinger 17:37 pm, September 13, 2023

Nikola Lange is a real lucky one: the young director, in his thirties, is indeed the very first to bring together on screen the Lamy sisters, Audrey and Alexandra, in his series "Killer Coaster", available from Friday, September 15 on Amazon Prime Video. Chloé Jouannet, Alexandra's daughter, is also part of this family project in which the Lamys get out of their comfort zone by investigating the death of a young man at a funfair in Palavas-les-Flots in 1998. Meet the three actresses who can't wait to shoot a second season of "Killer Coaster"!

This is the very first time they have toured as a family. Alexandra Lamy and her sister Audrey Lamy are the stars of Killer Coaster, a crazy and one-of-a-kind horror comedy, in which they were absolutely not expected. Fans of Un gars, une fille will be surprised to discover the unforgettable Alex alias Chouchou, in the role of Sandrine, a rigid woman dreaming of becoming an investigator. Audrey Lamy, she puts on the costume of Yvane, owner of a carousel in a funfair with a strong character ...

Sandrine and Yvane are both in Palavas-les-Flots, in 1998, when a man is found dead in a ghost train... Together, they will try to unmask the killer of the funfair, and will be helped by the young Carmen, played by Chloé Jouannet, daughter of Alexandra... All against the backdrop of clan wars in the amusement park with a good dose of suspense. Europe 1 met the three actresses to discuss this crazy project.

You must have received a lot of offers to play with your family. Why did you accept this one?

Chloé Jouannet: We didn't necessarily have ideas when we wanted to work together. We were offered things that did not interest us at the time because they were often family-related things and that were close to what we are already in life. One day, I called Nikola Lange, with whom I worked on Derby Girl, because I knew that girls loved his universe. I asked him to write a pitch for a series to see if we liked it, and it did!

The universe of Killer Coaster is very reminiscent of the horror series Stranger Things. Did you have this reference in mind?

Chloé Jouannet: I love this series! I think I must have watched two or three seasons, I let go a little bit after but the universe is absolutely crazy. I do think it must have been a reference for Nikola.

Audrey Lamy: Nikola had a lot of references and we felt it when we did the readings with him. He had a lot of movies, music and characters in mind. He really fed on a lot of things that he loves and he made his own object.

Your characters, Sandrine, Yvane and Carmen, all have a very atypical style. Could you dress like them in real life?

Chloé Jouannet: I could dress like Carmen!

Audrey Lamy: And me like Yvane, and I even keep her haircut!

Alexandra Lamy: So I, even if I have to choose, I would not prefer... Well, not with the uniform... But hey, the little flowered shirt with the little jeans and the Magnum gun, it can pass! (Laughter)

For this shoot, you spent four months together 24 hours a day. How do we support each other for so long even if we adore each other?

Chloé Jouannet: Frankly, we are used to it because we are always glued.

Audrey Lamy: Chloé and I often shot late at night, from 23 p.m. until 5 a.m., because it's a funfair. So sometimes we stayed together for whole days. I remember, we still got into bed after breakfast to watch Love is in the meadow. While we could very well have been on our own.

Alexandra Lamy: I was extremely jealous because sometimes I was touring and I knew you were together.

Chloé Jouannet: It's true that there was this running gag that every time we had a party, you weren't there (Laughs).

Alexandra Lamy, is it every mother's dream to live again with her daughter who has left the nest?

Alexandre Lamy: Not at all! (Laughter)

Chloé Jouannet: I personally didn't feel like I was living with my mother again during this shoot. It was not that feeling because we still see each other quite often.

Audrey Lamy: On the other hand, there was still a real excitement to find all three of us on a set. We were in a hotel where there were only three rooms and we were next to each other.

You have made an "anti-shouting pact". Did it work?

Chloé Jouannet: I was the one who said that. We did it with mom actually. Audrey didn't really know.

Alexandra Lamy: We know that we are very benevolent but we also have family relationships. So we said to ourselves: "No, we are too lucky to be able to do this, it is still an extraordinary chance and we must not get confused". It's not a big deal that we fight, it happens to us as in all families. On the other hand, it cannot be done to the technical teams.

Chloé Jouannet: But frankly it was great, there were no tensions.

Was it difficult to return to life away from each other?

Audrey Lamy: Of course we were sad to leave! During the shooting, we had a good excuse to say to our other families: "I'm not coming in, I'm not here". And no one could blame us! I could have gone home a lot of times because we were shooting in Palavas and I live next door, but I always came out with the excuse: "No, but we have to review the texts a little bit, we have to see tomorrow's scene again".

Alexandra Lamy: We only want it to start again!

So you are very ready for a season 2 of Killer Coaster?

Audrey Lamy: Oh yes! If there is the right idea, we go straight for it!

Alexandra Lamy: The end of the first season leaves a door open so yes, we would love to continue the adventure!

Small topical question to finish: Alexandra Lamy, the remake of your series A guy, a girl made aflop on TF1 because viewers only wanted to see Jean and Alex as Chouchou and Loulou. Did it make you happy?

Alexandra Lamy: What do you want me to tell you? (Laughter) We are cults! And, yes, it's nice that there are people who say: "Oh but A guy, a girl, it's still Jean and Alex". Because it means that we have marked the spirits and it's nice.