Teller Report

Rosa Díez, Aramburu, Savater, Trapiello, Pagaza... The 500 signatures that claim against the broadcast of the interview of Évole to Ternera

9/12/2023, 2:22:55 PM

Highlights: Intellectuals, victims of terrorism, politicians and former politicians lead a manifesto that calls on the San Sebastian Film Festival to "exclude" from its programming. The manifesto is signed by 500 citizens, "the vast majority Basques", as detailed in the letter. The signatories ask the management of the contest not to broadcast this documentary. To do so, the brief continues, "is to whitewash terrorism and trivialize very serious crimes for which Josu Ternera, still a fugitive from justice, faces a request of 2,354 years in prison"

Intellectuals, victims of terrorism, politicians and former politicians lead a manifesto that calls on the San Sebastian Film Festival to "exclude" from its...

Intellectuals, victims of terrorism, politicians and former politicians lead a manifesto that calls on the San Sebastian Film Festival to "exclude" from its programming the interview that journalist Jordi Évole has recently conducted with former ETA leader Josu Ternera, understanding that its broadcast would mean "whitewashing" the terrorist group and the figure of Ternera himself.

It is a document signed by figures such as Rosa Díez, Fernando Aramburu, Fernando Savater, Andrés Trapiello, Carlos Martínez Gorriarán, Maite Pagazaurtundúa, Carlos García Adanero, Marimar Blanco, Félix de Azúa or Rubén Múgica, among other intellectuals and members of the political sphere. The manifesto is signed by 500 citizens, "the vast majority Basques", as detailed in the letter.

It calls on the San Sebastián-Zinemaldia International Film Festival to exclude from its programming the documentary, prepared by Netflix Spain, in which Évole talks with the former leader of ETA in the late 80s and early 90s.

Although it is explained in the letter that the Film Festival "does not share at all neither the motives nor the purposes of Josu Ternera or the ETA band", it is considered that "this documentary is part of the process of laundering ETA and the tragic terrorist history in our country, converted into a justifying and trivializing story that puts murderers and accomplices on the same level, victims and resisters."

Therefore, the signatories ask the management of the contest not to broadcast this documentary. "We reject the claim that Josu Ternera had motives to order dozens of crimes against humanity, including the murder of children for the crime of being children of civil guards. We deny that such motives should be exposed and applauded in a cultural event of the highest level, as if it were an admirable testimony of life and an exciting action story."

To do so, the brief continues, "is to whitewash terrorism and trivialize very serious crimes for which Josu Ternera, still a fugitive from justice, faces a fiscal request of 2,354 years in prison."