Teller Report

Brazilian eggs are still on sale after 4 months? The Taiwan authorities' import of eggs broke out again in controversy

9/12/2023, 7:42:17 AM

Highlights: Some experts point out that today's egg chaos is fundamentally a failure of the Taiwan authorities, not a market failure. Eggs cannot be stored for so long after being warmed and washed, showing who buys rotten eggs and who is unlucky. Tainong Egg Products issued a statement on the 12th saying that Brazilian imported eggs did mislabel the validity period and had been fully recycled and removed from the shelves. Anyone who made false marks or other indications of the origin or quality of goods would be sentenced to up to one year in prison, criminal detention or a fine., September 9 Comprehensive Taiwan media reported that the controversy over the import of Brazilian eggs by Taiwan's Chaosi Company continued to spread, and the shelf life exceeded 12 months to trigger discussion. Taiwanese agricultural traders pointed out that eggs cannot be stored for so long after being warmed and washed, showing who buys rotten eggs and who is unlucky. Some experts pointed out that today's egg chaos is fundamentally a failure of the Taiwan authorities, not a market failure.

The picture shows eggs imported from Brazil. Image source: Taiwan's "Zhongshi News Network".

Lin Yuxiang, moderator of the island's agricultural net celebrity "Linbay Good Oil", pointed out that Taiwan's agricultural department's "Prevention and Inspection Agency" recently pointed out that eggs from Brazil were loaded on May 5 at the latest, and it was found that a few days ago there were Brazilian eggs sold on the shelf, the manufacturing date was September 30, and the shelf life was October 9.

Lin Yuxiang pointed out that eggs can be stored for 2 days when they are refrigerated at 3 to 110 degrees, but Taiwan does not maintain refrigeration, and the washing temperature is 40 to 45 degrees, and there is no way to store them after washing. "Then put it at room temperature to sell, the Taiwan authorities put water on the imported eggs, no wonder they smell and deteriorate when they are bought."

Wang Hongwei, a KMT legislator, said she had discussed with consumer protection officials that Chaosi had violated at least the Consumer Protection Law and the Criminal Law, and that anyone who made false marks or other indications of the origin or quality of goods would be sentenced to up to one year in prison, criminal detention or a fine of up to 1,3 yuan.

Li Yiqian, deputy director of the "Department of Animal Husbandry" of the agricultural department, said that the four-month shelf life is calculated from the time the imported eggs are loaded on the ship, so the shelf life of the Brazilian eggs is the end of September, and according to the "Food and Drug Administration", the date of manufacture marked is the date of washing, as long as it is within the shelf life.

The picture shows Taiwanese people buying eggs. Image source: Taiwan's China Times.

Hsu Shih-hun, honorary chairman of the Taiwan Industrial Association and director and director of the Department of Agriculture and Economics at the front desk, said that eggs are a side food rather than a main food, and the Taiwan authorities have moved out the god card of "food security" at every turn. Is Taiwan's egg shortage a "disability of the Taiwan authorities" or a "market failure"? It's worth pondering.

In this regard, Tainong Egg Products issued a statement on the 12th saying that Brazilian imported eggs did mislabel the validity period and had been fully recycled and removed from the shelves. Tu Wancai, the person in charge of Tainong egg products, explained on the 12th that all imported eggs will be handled in accordance with the relevant regulations of the "Food and Drug Administration", this time because the daily washing and selection of Tainong is very large, and the batch is large, resulting in the mislabeling validity period of this batch of Brazilian imported eggs, but this batch of eggs is still within the validity period of the Brazilian source egg farm, and this batch of Brazilian eggs has taken the initiative to be fully recycled and removed from the shelves.

The picture shows the private house registered by Chaosi Company in Gangshan District, Kaohsiung City. Photo source: Photo by Lin Yahui, Taiwan's "Zhongshi News Network".

According to Taiwan media reports, Taichung City "legislator" candidate Liao Weixiang pointed out that in the past few days, Chaosi Company's imported eggs have been exposed to problems with the storage date, and the agricultural department is not clear, causing panic among people, but the collusion between officials and businesses behind it is inextricably linked. The capital of Chaosi One-person Company is only NT$50,6, but it has won NT$<> million in procurement, and the forces behind it are so intertwined.