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Current political news eye丨Reopening the Northeast Revitalization Forum, these keywords attract attention

9/10/2023, 10:02:32 AM

Highlights: The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made arrangements for "promoting the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China and making new breakthroughs" The symposium recently chaired by General Secretary Xi Jinping has evolved from a "symposium on in-depth promotion of the revitalization" five years ago. What new information did this important symposium release? "Current Political News Eye" interprets it for you.. July 2015, Changchun; September 7, Shenyang; September 2018, Harbin. Three symposiums, leaving shining space-time coordinates.

July 2015, Changchun; September 7, Shenyang; September 2018, Harbin. Three symposiums, leaving shining space-time coordinates.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made arrangements for "promoting the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China and making new breakthroughs". The symposium recently chaired by General Secretary Xi Jinping has also evolved from a "symposium on in-depth promotion of the revitalization of the Northeast" five years ago to a "symposium on promoting the comprehensive revitalization of the northeast in the new era". What new information did this important symposium release? "Current Political News Eye" interprets it for you.

Video: Xi Jinping presided over a symposium on promoting the comprehensive revitalization of the Northeast in the new era, emphasizing the important mission of firmly grasping the Northeast and striving to write a new chapter in the comprehensive revitalization of the NortheastSource: CCTV


Three symposiums were held at key junctures

Northeast China, with more than 100 million square kilometers of land and a population of more than 1 million, was once the cradle of new China's industry and an important growth pole of the national economy, which is of vital importance in the overall development of the country.

In July 2015, during General Secretary Xi Jinping's research in Jilin, he specially held a symposium of the main responsible comrades of the party committees of some provinces and autonomous regions in Changchun, and the main responsible comrades of the party committees of the three northeastern provinces and Inner Mongolia spoke at the meeting. The general secretary pointed out that the revitalization of the old industrial base in the northeast has reached the critical stage of rolling stones up the mountain and climbing the hill to overcome difficulties.

In the autumn of 2018, the general secretary once again made a special trip to the northeast, from Heilongjiang, Jilin to Liaoning, and carried out a "large-span" and "leapfrogging" investigation in four days. On the afternoon of September 9, he presided over a symposium on in-depth promotion of Northeast Revitalization in Shenyang.

At the forum, the general secretary did not evade questions and clearly pointed out the "four major shortcomings" in the northeast in terms of institutional mechanism, economic structure, opening up to the outside world, and ideology; He also sent a message to the broad masses of cadres and masses in Northeast China with 32 words -- emancipating the mind, forging ahead, aiming at the direction, maintaining determination, deepening reform, resolving contradictions, giving play to strengths and avoiding weaknesses, and giving play to advantages.

On September 9 this year, during his inspection visit to Heilongjiang, the general secretary presided over a forum in Harbin to promote the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China in the new era. He pointed out that at present, promoting the comprehensive revitalization of the Northeast is facing new major opportunities, and it is necessary to firmly grasp the important mission of the Northeast and strive to write a new chapter in the comprehensive revitalization of the Northeast.

In the past eight years, three symposiums have been held at key junctures of the revitalization of Northeast China.

From the Changchun symposium to promote the revitalization of the northeast "four efforts", to the Shenyang symposium put forward the six requirements for in-depth promotion of the revitalization of the northeast, to the Harbin symposium to emphasize the five key tasks, the general secretary made key arrangements at each forum. Some of the key words mentioned at the recent symposium reflect the general secretary's profound thinking and long-term planning for the revitalization of the Northeast.


Keyword 1: "Five Safety"

At this symposium, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the new era and new journey to promote the comprehensive revitalization of the Northeast must firmly grasp the important mission of the Northeast in maintaining the "five major security" of the country.

What are the "five major national security"? At the Shenyang symposium five years ago, the general secretary made it clear long ago that Northeast China is an important industrial and agricultural base in China, and maintaining the strategic position of national defense security, food security, ecological security, energy security and industrial security is very important and has a bearing on the overall situation of national development.

The "five major security" are all "great of the country". Through the general secretary's inspection of the northeast over the years, the "five major security" are all the focus of the general secretary's attention.

During this inspection tour of Heilongjiang, the general secretary put forward clear requirements: we must firmly grasp the strategic positioning in the overall situation of national development, and actively perform our duties and responsibilities in safeguarding national defense security, food security, ecological security, energy security and industrial security.

In terms of maintaining the country's "five major security", what kind of "report card" have the three northeastern provinces and Inner Mongolia handed over?

At the symposium on September 9, the general secretary listed one by one: the role of national food security "ballast stone" has been further consolidated, the foundation of industrial security has been continuously consolidated, the role of energy security has been continuously strengthened, the ecological security barrier has been continuously built, and the national defense security guarantee capability has been steadily improved.

National security is the foundation of national rejuvenation. In terms of safeguarding the country's "five major security", the northeast region undertakes an important mission and is also pinned on high hopes.


Keyword 2: "New quality productivity"

During the inspection tour of Heilongjiang, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to integrate scientific and technological innovation resources, lead strategic emerging industries and future industries, and accelerate the formation of new quality productivity.

At the September 9 forum, the general secretary once again stressed the need to "accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces."

Behind the keyword "new quality productivity" is the general secretary's consistent emphasis on innovation.

As early as August 2013, when he visited Liaoning, the general secretary pointed out that we must dare to play the market card, the reform card, and the innovation card. It is necessary to seize the strategic opportunities brought by the new round of world scientific and technological revolution, and continuously enhance the innovation power, innovation vitality and innovation strength of enterprises.

From not waiting for time to promote scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement, only striving to break through the "stuck neck" problem, to firmly twisting the "bull's nose" of independent innovation and giving play to the role of the "incrementer" of scientific and technological innovation, every time he visits the northeast, the general secretary must talk about innovation.

At this symposium, the first key task emphasized by the general secretary is to promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system with the advantages of Northeast characteristics.

More "new quality productivity" will germinate and gush in the northeast land, and the future can be expected.


Keyword 3: "Black Earth"

At the symposium on September 9, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that it is the primary responsibility of the Northeast to be the "ballast stone" for the country's stable grain production and supply.

Northeast China is one of the three major black soil areas in the world, which is the strength to serve as a "ballast stone". The general secretary paid attention to the black soil very early on, comparing it to "the giant panda in the cultivated land". He also realized early on that the high yield of black soil also faced the problem of overdraft of land fertility.

During his visit to Heilongjiang in May 2016, the general secretary pointed out that it is necessary to adopt various measures such as engineering, agronomy, and biology to mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers and jointly protect and make good use of black soil.

Since then, the general secretary has visited the black soil in the northeast many times and demanded that effective measures be taken to effectively protect and utilize the black soil so that it can always benefit the people.

On June 6 last year, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Black Soil was passed and came into force on August 24 of that year. This is China's first special law for the protection of black soil, and it is also a hard measure for "growing teeth".

At this symposium, the general secretary talked about "black soil" again: increase investment, take the lead in building basic farmland into high-standard farmland, and simultaneously expand the scope of implementation of black soil protection.

With the "blessing" of the vast and rich black soil, and then plugging in the wings of science and technology, and taking multiple measures and multi-pronged measures, the northeast region will be able to serve as a good "ballast stone" for national food security, and can achieve the "guarantee that it can be produced and supplied in peacetime, and in extreme cases, it can be withstood and reliable" as required by the general secretary.


Keyword 4: "Keep people"

At the September 9 symposium, two of the five key tasks highlighted by General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed to the same key word - "retaining people".

Let's first look at one of them: "It is necessary to improve the overall quality of the population and support the comprehensive revitalization of the northeast with high-quality population development." ”

The purpose of development is for people, and the driving force of development comes from people. In May this year, when presiding over the first meeting of the 5th Central Financial and Economic Commission, the general secretary pointed out that at present, China's population development is showing the trend characteristics of declining birthrate, aging, and regional population growth and decrease, and we must comprehensively understand and correctly view the new situation of China's population development.

The loss of population and talent was once a pain in the northeast and a concern of the general secretary.

During the inspection trip to Jilin in 2020, the general secretary stressed that it is necessary to innovate talent work policies, institutional mechanisms, methods and methods, and actively create a good environment for retaining talents.

At this Northeast Revitalization Forum, the general secretary once again "took the pulse and opened the way": "increase support for the running of schools in Northeast China", "Support Northeast to retain and introduce talents", "Comprehensively promote rural revitalization, and strive to retain the existing population".

Let's look at another item: "We must further optimize the political ecology and create a good business environment." ”

In March 2016, when participating in the review of the Heilongjiang delegation, the general secretary pointed out that it is necessary to further promote the construction of the rule of law and strive to create a good environment for comprehensive revitalization. "An environment based on the rule of law is the most conducive to gathering people and wealth, and is most conducive to development."

At the Shenyang symposium five years ago, the general secretary put forward six requirements for further promoting the revitalization of the Northeast, the first of which is to comprehensively deepen reform based on optimizing the business environment. The general secretary pointed out that it is necessary to take measures in various aspects to create conditions for retaining people with their hearts, so that all kinds of talents can feel at ease, settle down, and work in peace.

In recent years, the development concept of the northeast region has changed, the style of cadres has changed, and the business environment has also changed.

At the September 9 forum, the general secretary again put forward demands: "emancipate the mind, change concepts, enhance market awareness and service awareness, overcome formalism and bureaucracy", "Party members and cadres should not only care about and support the development of private enterprises, take the initiative to solve problems and solve problems, but also adhere to the bottom line of integrity" and "create a stable, transparent, standardized and predictable legal environment for all kinds of business entities."

General Secretary Xi Jinping also put forward requirements for accelerating the construction of a modern infrastructure system, improving the level of opening up and cooperation at home and abroad, strengthening party leadership and party building, and effectively grasping post-disaster recovery and reconstruction.

New era, new journey, new deployment and new breakthrough. At this symposium, the general secretary built a new pattern to promote the comprehensive revitalization of the Northeast in the new era, and guided the Northeast to strive for a new path of high-quality development and sustainable revitalization. As the general secretary said at the symposium, "I believe that in the new journey of building a strong country and national rejuvenation, Northeast China will certainly be able to regain its strength and create new achievements!" ”

Executive producer丨Shen Yong

Main writer丨Gong Xuehui Yu Zhenyi

Responsible editors丨Li Jie, Hou Yan, Liu Huimin, Shi Ran, Qin Si, Ma Zhe

Vision丨Chen Kuo, Zhang Jing, Wang Haihan

Editor丨Wang Zun

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