Teller Report

Earthquake in Morocco: French associations launch calls for donations

9/9/2023, 3:41:58 PM

Highlights: The Red Cross has launched an appeal to raise funds to help those affected by the earthquake in Haiti. The Red Cross says it will provide financial assistance to those who need it the most. The appeal is open to anyone who would like to make a donation to the Red Cross or to any other charity that needs it. It is also open to the public who want to make donations of their own, but do not need to be a member of the RedCross or any other organisation that provides aid to the needy.

In order to help the victims of Morocco after the devastating earthquake on Saturday, several French charities launched Saturday an appeal for generosity to the general public. The Secours populaire, the Fondation de France and the French Red Cross have mobilized.

Europe 1 with AFP / photo credits: STRINGER / ANADOLU AGENCY / Anadolu Agency via AFP 17:33 pm, September 09, 2023

In order to help the victims of Morocco after the devastating earthquake on Saturday, several French charities launched Saturday an appeal for generosity to the general public. The Secours populaire, the Fondation de France and the French Red Cross have mobilized.

Several French charities on Saturday launched an appeal for generosity to the general public, to help the victims of Morocco, hit by an earthquake that killed more than 1,000 people. The Secours populaire français announced in a statement that it was releasing 50,000 euros from its "emergency fund" to "help children and families who have lost everything". Beyond the emergency in Morocco, "the accompaniment of the most fragile people" will necessarily be "in the long term", says the association, which "launches an urgent appeal for solidarity and financial support for the victims of this disaster".

>> READ ALSO – Earthquake in Morocco: three French regions promise one million euros in humanitarian aid

Foundation of France and Red Cross mobilized

The France Foundation, "present for several years in this area", announced for its part to immediately mobilize 250,000 euros. It has also launched an appeal for donations to "strengthen" its actions, including sheltering, or psychological support to victims. The Foundation "will intervene in the most impacted areas, especially in isolated territories where aid is more difficult to arrive and populations are more left to themselves," she said. "It will then carry out sustainable reconstruction actions" such as the "rehabilitation of collective buildings" or economic recovery.

Call for donations also on the side of the French Red Cross, to be able to contribute "to the supply of basic necessities", in collaboration with the Red Crescent teams on the spot. In view of the "considerable" damage, it will be necessary to "anticipate an accompaniment that will be part of the long term", warns the Red Cross, which only solicits financial donations, and will refuse donations in kind.