Teller Report

Tokyo Bay Aqua Line "Road Pricing" has a certain effect on alleviating traffic congestion

9/7/2023, 5:51:31 AM

Highlights: Chiba Prefecture and the national government introduced "road pricing" on a trial basis from July 7. The aim is to alleviate traffic congestion on the Tokyo Bay Aqua Line connecting Chiba and Kanagawa prefectures. Traffic volume during the hours when tolls were raised decreased by 3% to 6% compared to the same day of the week last year. The extra traffic time taken by traffic congestion has been reduced from 39 minutes last year to 21 minutes, indicating it has had a certain effect on alleviating traffic congestion.

【NHK】On the Tokyo Bay Aqua Line connecting Chiba and Kanagawa prefectures, "road pricing" that fluctuates tolls depending on the time of day with the aim of alleviating traffic congestion ...

On the Tokyo Bay Aqua Line connecting Chiba and Kanagawa prefectures, traffic conditions have been consolidated for one month since the trial introduction of "road pricing," which fluctuates tolls depending on the time of day with the aim of alleviating traffic congestion, and certain effects have been observed, such as a decrease in traffic volume during the time of the price increase.

In order to alleviate traffic congestion, which has become an issue on the Tokyo Bay Aqua Line, the national government and Chiba Prefecture have introduced "road pricing" on a trial basis from July 7, which raises
tolls from 22 p.m. to 1 p.m. by 8% and reduces the toll by 50% from 8:0 p.m. to midnight the next day on Saturdays, Sundays, and
holidays only.

One month has passed since the trial introduction began, and Chiba Prefecture has announced traffic conditions for a total of seven days on Saturdays and Sundays during this period.

According to the report, traffic volume during the hours when tolls were raised decreased by 3% to 6% compared to the same day of the week last year, and especially at 7 p.m., just before the price was reduced, by about 20%.

In addition, the extra traffic time taken by traffic congestion has been reduced from 39 minutes last year to 21 minutes, indicating that it has had a certain effect on alleviating traffic congestion.

At a press conference, Governor Kumagai of Chiba Prefecture stated, "The purpose of 'Road Pricing' is to increase the number of people who come to Chiba Prefecture and have them stay in the prefecture for a long time.