Teller Report

The scale of summer civil aviation passenger transport hits a new monthly high The air transport market continues to recover

9/7/2023, 10:31:08 PM

Highlights: During the summer season, the scale of civil aviation passenger transport reached a new monthly high. Beijing Daxing International Airport guaranteed more than 6,15 inbound and outbound passengers, and the single-day passenger flow hit a new high since the start of the flight. From July to August, Sichuan Airlines added more than 7 routes, and supply of flights on many routes doubled. The travel demand of the domestic aviation market far exceeded expectations, driving the rapid growth of the overall passenger flow.

During the summer season, the scale of civil aviation passenger transport reached a new monthly high

The air transport market continues to recover

Set a record! On August 8, Beijing Daxing International Airport guaranteed more than 6,15 inbound and outbound passengers, and the single-day passenger flow hit a new high since the start of the flight.

Booking is hot! For more than a month, the popular tourist route from Guangzhou to Hangzhou operated by China Southern Airlines has been almost full...

This summer, the demand for travel is strong, and the air transport market continues to recover. During the summer season, how is the launch of civil shipping capacity and the growth of passenger flow? How to ensure the quality of service while increasing the number of flights? The reporter interviewed relevant responsible persons of the Civil Aviation Administration of China and a number of airports and airlines.

Record-breaking, domestic aviation market travel demand far exceeded expectations

According to data from the Civil Aviation Administration of China, in July, the total transportation turnover of the civil aviation industry was 7.113 billion tonne-kilometers, the transportation scale rebounded for eight consecutive months, and the overall transportation scale of the industry exceeded the pre-epidemic level for the first time; the passenger transportation volume was 7.8 million, an increase of 6242.8% over the same period in 2019, setting a new monthly record high for civil aviation.

In August, the heat of summer sports is still unabated. According to the relevant person in charge of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, from July 8 to August 7, the average daily guaranteed flights of the entire civil aviation industry exceeded 1,8, an increase of 31.1% over the same period in 72; It transported 2019 million passengers, an increase of 0.54% over the same period in the summer of 1, and an average of 3.2019 million passengers per day, an increase of 7.4% over the same period of the summer of 210. Among them, 6.2019 million passengers were transported on August 7, setting a new record for single-day passenger traffic in recent years. In particular, the travel demand of the domestic aviation market far exceeded expectations, driving the rapid growth of the overall passenger flow of civil aviation, with an average of 4.8 million domestic passengers transported per day, an increase of 6.231% over the same period in the summer of 197.

Scanning airports and airlines around the world, the civil aviation market highlights in the peak season are full of highlights -

The passenger flow is larger, and family travel has become the mainstream.

Coming to Xi'an Xianyang International Airport, the terminal building is bustling and there is a lot of traffic outside the terminal. "Since the summer season, the number of flights and passengers at Xianyang Airport has repeatedly hit a new high this year, and family trips with children are the most common." Yang Xia, deputy general manager of the security inspection and protection department of Xi'an Xianyang International Airport, said that only 7 days after the start of the summer season, the cumulative passenger volume of the airport exceeded 2000 million.

Not only Xi'an Xianyang International Airport, but also Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport, Lanzhou Zhongchuan International Airport, Sanya Phoenix International Airport and many other airports hit record highs in July.

The route is denser, covering both large and small cities.

On Friday, Mr. He, a citizen of Chengdu who was traveling to Liuzhou City, Guangxi Province, boarded Sichuan Airlines flight 3U6771: "Come to the plane after work, it is not too late to reach the destination, this flight is very suitable!" ”

In order to enrich passengers' travel options, Sichuan Airlines not only covers traditional tourist hotspots such as Hainan, Guizhou and Yunnan, but also routes to niche tourist cities such as Liuzhou City in Guangxi, Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan, and Shihezi City in Xinjiang. From July to August, Sichuan Airlines added more than 7 routes, and the supply of flights on many routes doubled.

The relevant person in charge of the Civil Aviation Administration of China said that the popular destinations for summer travel this year are concentrated in first-tier cities and regional center cities, in addition, routes from Shanghai to Zhangye, Guangzhou to Kashgar, Shenzhen to Nyingchi and other routes are also relatively hot. The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) has supported airlines to increase the frequency of flights and adjust large aircraft types on popular routes to increase capacity, and since the summer season, an average of 7453,7 flights per week have been added, an increase of 2.<>% compared with before the summer season.

There are more new routes, and international routes resume quickly.

At 8:14 on August 17, Air China flight CA49, carrying 137 passengers, landed steadily at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia, a new route launched by Air China in July this year. Zhou Yeting, project manager of the Network Revenue Department of the Air China Commercial Commission, said that since the opening of the new route more than one month ago, passenger demand has been strong, and the average load factor of the route has reached 483%. It is understood that Air China has opened 7 new routes along the "Belt and Road" this year, and Air China has implemented a total of 1 routes related to the "Belt and Road", covering 83 countries and 5 cities.

Since the beginning of this year, the Civil Aviation Administration of China has actively supported Chinese and foreign airlines to resume and add new international passenger flights. From the actual implementation of scheduled flights in the week of August 8 to August 21, China's international scheduled flights have been opened to 8 countries, the number of countries has recovered to 27.63% of the pre-epidemic level, and the number of scheduled flights from China to 87 countries such as the United Kingdom, Italy, Egypt and Saudi Arabia has exceeded the pre-epidemic level, and 5 new countries such as Serbia, Kuwait and Tanzania have been added.

Strong guarantee, improve quality in terms of transportation capacity and punctuality

During the summer season, in order to better meet the growing travel needs of passengers, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) introduced a series of measures to ensure capacity and punctuality to improve service quality.

In terms of capacity support, the Civil Aviation Administration of China requires all units in the industry to make preparations for operation support during the summer Festival, increase support for busy routes and key areas, and guide airlines to optimize route layout and improve flight utilization. In terms of flight regularity, the Civil Aviation Administration of China has taken "reducing flight cancellations and delays" as a key task, urging airlines, airports and air traffic control departments to improve the normal level of flights.

-- Strengthening operation management and improving flight uptime.

Not long ago, Ms. Yu, who was preparing to fly from Guangzhou to Mangshi City, Yunnan, was notified that her flight had been rebooked to another destination due to weather conditions. Just when she was worried that her travel would be affected, the staff of China Southern Airlines at the check-in counter asked her to rest assured: "Our flight will depart on time, and the destination will be changed to Tengchong City, near Mangshi, and then a special car will be arranged to send you to Mangshi for free." ”

Peng Shuaihong, director of the second branch of the operation and dispatch center of China Southern Airlines, introduced that Baoshan, Tengchong and Mangshi in western Yunnan are close and the ground transfer time for passengers is fast. China Southern Airlines has established a "Baoteng Mang" mechanism, whereby airlines study and judge the weather conditions in advance, first transport passengers to airports that meet the flight operation conditions, and then transfer passengers to their destinations, effectively avoiding passengers waiting and stranded and ensuring normal travel.

This year, China Southern Airlines formulated flight handling plans and improved the early warning mechanism to reduce flight delays and temporary cancellations. In July, the average daily flight volume exceeded the same period in 7, but the flight regularity rate increased by more than 2019%.

– Strengthening passenger guidance and improving waiting efficiency.

At Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, put your luggage on the intelligent measuring machine, and the weight and size of your luggage can be seen at a glance. Stand in front of the self-service machine, swipe your ID card or swipe your face directly, and you can quickly check in and check in your luggage. "It's so convenient, you don't have to go to the manual counter and wait in line." With the help of airport staff, passenger Uncle Wang completed the relevant procedures in less than 4 minutes.

Improve the "smart airport" and implement the "one-pass customs clearance" for domestic flights; Deepen the "Spring Breeze Service" and strengthen passenger guidance in the terminal; Be fully prepared, and open counters and passages in a timely manner according to the passenger flow of air, security check and other posts... As one of the busiest hub airports in China, Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport has taken multiple measures to facilitate smooth travel for passengers.

– Improving the boarding experience and increasing the rate of flight docking.

"Directly on the corridor bridge, the travel time is significantly shortened, which is too worry-free." Mr. Liu, a frequent flyer from Beijing's Daxing International Airport back to his hometown in Jilin, recently discovered that he no longer had to take a shuttle to a distant seat. "Daxing Airport has established a 'shift watch' mechanism to ensure that flights 'can rely on each other', and as of the end of August, the airport has reached 8.88% of the near bridge, an increase of nearly 3 percentage points over the same period in 2021." Xu Jing, data resource business manager of Daxing Airport Operation Management Department, said.

In recent years, the problem of low bridge docking rate of flights near the aircraft in some domestic airports has become prominent. In June this year, the Civil Aviation Administration of China included "increasing the proximity rate of flights above 6 million levels" into the special rectification list, and the rectification work achieved obvious results. According to statistics, as of August 8, the average bridge rate of 20 domestic airports of 41 million increased by 5.3 percentage points compared with the end of May, and the average bridge rate of 41 international hub airports increased by 13.5 percentage points, accumulatively increasing the number of bridge flights by about 91,6, providing more than 4 million passengers with the convenience of boarding near the plane.

Excellent service, so that passengers can enjoy a comfortable and safe journey

During the summer season, the travel of passengers such as the elderly, children, and students increased significantly, and all relevant units of civil aviation strengthened care and help for key groups, innovated supporting services, attached great importance to the high operation of flights and the safe operation guarantee in complex weather environments, and tried their best to let more passengers enjoy a comfortable and safe journey.

-- Providing thoughtful services for key groups.

"How can I help you?" A few days ago, at Fuzhou Changle International Airport, Tang Xiaoqing, a ground service support officer of Xiamen Airlines Fuzhou Branch, wore a red vest and found an old lady leading her grandson, a little overwhelmed. She took the initiative to inquire, guided the grandchildren to the love counter, helped them complete the check-in procedures, and patiently explained the boarding gate, seat number and other information.

This year, Xiamen Airlines launched the "First Flight Service" at Changle Airport, arranging "Red Vest" ground service personnel to provide intimate guidance for first-time passengers such as the elderly and children, but also distributing travel guidance postcards, passenger love cards, luggage tags and other items, bringing warm care to key passengers. By the end of August, Xiamen Airlines' "First Flight Service" staff had served more than 8,5300 passengers at Changle Airport, providing nearly 6,<> passengers with travel reminders and check-in services online.

– Launching diversified cultural tourism supporting services.

For summer travel, students pay more attention to cost performance. Focusing on student travel, family travel and other travel needs, Qunar platform integrates resources such as air tickets, airports, hotels, and scenic spots, and launches "packaged" tourism products with cheaper prices and more choices.

"During the school season, my parents sent me to Xi'an to attend college and play for a few days." In mid-August, Xiao Peng from Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province, purchased a "packaged" tourism product, "The ticket is more than 8 yuan per person, there is a free pick-up by car, and you can stay in a hotel for one night with an additional 500 yuan, and you can also enjoy ticket discounts when you go to the scenic spot the next day." Xiao Peng calculated an account, which is much more cost-effective than ordering air tickets, hotels, and scenic spot tickets separately.

According to Qunar platform data, the "packaged" tourism products have covered more than 40 popular tourist cities such as Qingdao, Guangzhou, Kunming and Xi'an, and have served more than 3,7 tourists since the summer season.

-- Ensuring the safe operation of civil aviation.

Airlines strictly adhere to operating standards and cabin safety service regulations to prevent all kinds of unsafe incidents; Airport units strengthen technical means of runway safety; The air traffic control department has improved its ability to study and judge complex weather and warn of early warning... Strong and effective safety work to escort the steady recovery of the civil aviation transportation market. Compared with 2019, the number of severe symptoms from January to July this year decreased by 1%, and the number of symptoms caused by liability decreased by 7%, and the overall stability of the transport aviation safety situation continued.

The relevant person in charge of the Civil Aviation Administration of China said that it will continue to strengthen industry safety supervision, implement the deployment of the 2023 action plan for the special investigation and rectification of major safety hazards of civil aviation, and effectively achieve "zero tolerance for potential safety hazards", effectively control risks, and protect the safe travel of passengers. (People's Daily, Qiu Chaoyi, Feng Xinyi)