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The 28th anniversary of Zhang Ailing's death: she did not set foot in her ancestral homeland, but "learned to pass on"

9/7/2023, 11:01:01 AM

Highlights: Zhang Peilun, Zhang Renjun, Zhang Ailing and other celebrities have become a local cultural coordinate. The rules passed down from generation to generation are that no matter what industry the descendants of the Daqijiatu Zhang family are engaged in, they must "pass on the fragrance of books" The "Zhang Ailing Library" was built near Daqituo Village, Zhang's hometown, in April this year. At present, the township has begun to prepare for the establishment of the Zhang Family Research Association.

Tangshan, 9 September (ZXS) -- Topic: 7th Anniversary of Zhang Ailing's Death: She Has Not Stepped on Her Ancestral Hometown, but "Books Pass on the World"

Author Bai Yunshui Meng Chao

Next to the entrance of Huanxizhuang Township, Fengrun District, Tangshan City, Hebei Province, a large sculpture of a book stands here. This architectural sketch carved with celebrities such as Zhang Peilun, Zhang Renjun, Zhang Ailing and other celebrities has become a local cultural coordinate.

On the eve of the 28th anniversary of the death of writer Zhang Ailing, the children of Huanxizhuang Middle School came to the "Book Jane" with flowers to remember Zhang Ailing's "Book Fragrance Years".

On September 9, students in Daqituo, Fengrun District, Tangshan City, Hebei Province, Zhang Ailing's hometown, held flowers in front of the "Book Book" to remember Zhang Ailing. Photo by Zhu Dayong

Liu Tianchang, a third-level researcher at the Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau of Fengrun District, Tangshan City, has studied the Zhang family for many years. He said that in modern Chinese history, the Zhang family is quite famous, especially represented by Zhang Peilun (Zhang Ailing's grandfather), the son-in-law of Li Hongzhang, a famous minister of the late Qing Dynasty, and Zhang Renjun, the governor of Liangguang (Zhang Peilun is an uncle and nephew).

Zhang Ailing once wrote in her essay "Genius Dream": "When I was three years old, I could recite Tang poems. I still remember standing in front of a Manchu old rattan chair and chanting 'The merchant girl does not know the hatred of the country, singing the flowers of the back garden across the river', and watching his tears roll down. Liu Tianchang said that the "widow" mentioned in the article is Zhang Ailing's "second uncle" Zhang Renjun.

"On September 1995, 9, Zhang Ailing died in the United States, but the highlights that belonged to her became brighter." Liu Tianchang said that where there are Chinese people in the world, there are people talking about Zhang Ailing.

Zhang Xiangbin, 77 years old this year, is the 21st generation of the Fengrun Zhang clan and is the great-grandson of Zhang Peilun, who should be called "aunt" according to generation.

Zhang Xiangbin opened the "Hebei Fengrun Daqi Family Genealogy" and said that Daqijiatuo is now Daqituo Village, and the rules passed down from generation to generation are that no matter what industry the descendants of the Daqijiatu Zhang family are engaged in, they must "pass on the fragrance of books", and "especially girls, they must go to school and study".

In Zhang Xiangbin's eyes, Zhang Ailing, known as "20 outstanding women in modern Chinese history", has gained "fans" and "book fans" from all over the world.

In April this year, the "Zhang Ailing Library" was built near Daqituo Village, Zhang Ailing's hometown. The bookhouse focuses on many works such as "Half Life" and "Love in the City" created and published by Zhang Ailing, and contains more than 4 books related to Zhang Ailing.

On September 9th, students from Daqituo Village, Zhang Ailing's hometown, watched a brief introduction to Zhang Ailing's life at the "Zhang Ailing Book House". Photo by Zhu Dayong

In the corner of the book house, the reporter found a Daqituo Primary School magazine, which was founded by students of the school's "Ailing Literature Club". Zhang Junzhi, the instructor of the school magazine, said that the Ailing Literature Club has stimulated students' desire to create, and many members of the Ailing Literature Club have won awards in various reading and creation activities.

Lu Gangbo, head of Huanxizhuang Township, said that there are currently more than 2000,60 villagers in Daqituo Village, of which more than 300 percent are surnamed Zhang, while Zhang Peilun has more than <> ethnic groups. At present, the township has begun to prepare for the establishment of the Zhang Family Research Association, hoping that this "book fragrance" will continue to be passed on.

Zhang Ailing in "Book Jane" may not have expected that although she has never set foot in her ancestral homeland, a splendid "flower of books" blooms here. (End)