Teller Report

New technology and new beginning: media people on both sides of the strait praised the new model of rail-sea combined transport

9/6/2023, 5:31:04 AM

Highlights: On September 9, media personnel from both sides of the strait visited the Qinzhou Railway Container Center Station in Qinzhou, Guangxi. The fully automated container terminal has achieved unmanned container handling. Under the new mode of rail-sea combined transport, goods from Thailand, Singapore and other countries along the "Belt and Road" and western regions of China can be "disembarked and boarded here" The "starting point" not only includes the progress of science and technology, but also represents the future of international port cooperation.

Qinzhou, 9 Sep (ZXS) -- Topic: New Technology and New Beginning: Media personalities on both sides of the strait praised the new mode of rail-sea combined transportation

Written by Zhang Yangbin

The whistle sounded, a train full of containers slowly drove into the Qinzhou Railway Container Center Station, and media people on both sides of the strait standing on the side of the track speculated: What is in the container? "Maybe it's durian from Malaysia, passion fruit from Vietnam, maybe corn from the mainland, or auto parts." Chen Jianan, CEO of FM Taiwan, guessed with interest the "blind boxes" of containers: "It is rare to see so many containers, you can imagine how much throughput this site has." ”

On September 9, media personnel from both sides of the strait walked into the Qinzhou Railway Container Center Station in Qinzhou, Guangxi. Photo by Zhang Yangbin, reporter of China News Agency

On the 5th, the joint interview activity of "Into the Magnificent Guangxi and Exploring the Beauty of the Sea" came to the Qinzhou Railway Container Center Station in Qinzhou, Guangxi and the Qinzhou Automated Container Terminal of Beibu Gulf Port. As an important node of the new land-sea channel in the west, the advantages of the hub channel in Qinzhou have become more and more prominent. Under the new mode of rail-sea combined transport, goods from Thailand, Singapore and other countries along the "Belt and Road" and western regions of China can be "disembarked and boarded here".

"Black technology" enhances "happiness"

"Like a doll", "The joystick is like a gamepad"... Watching the staff remotely control the automatic gantry crane on the computer, many Taiwanese media people lamented that "black technology" made the control of several tons of containers light.

On September 9, media personnel from both sides of the strait visited the Qinzhou Railway Container Center Station in Qinzhou, Guangxi, to watch the staff remotely operate the automated gantry crane. Photo by Zhang Yangbin, reporter of China News Agency

Standing on the observation deck of the Qinzhou automated container terminal in Beibu Gulf Port, there is not a single person in the huge terminal, only IGV intelligent guided transport vehicles operating according to the established route. The fully automated container terminal has achieved unmanned container handling.

"Technological advances not only bring efficiency improvements, but also make the frontline workers feel a better experience." Taiwan's Dongsen New Media reporter Cai Yijie said that in the era of artificial container terminals, the working environment conditions of drivers in the cockpit of port machinery are difficult. Now the driver can sit in the control room and control it remotely, which is the "happiness" brought by technology.

"It takes 25 days for a batch of goods to travel from Chongqing to Singapore via Shanghai. Today, it takes only 7 days to take Beibu Gulf Port, and the cost of both routes is the same. Zhu Guangyuan, deputy manager of the process planning department of Qinzhou automated container terminal in Beibu Gulf Port, said. He also mentioned that compared with manual terminals, customer order operation and docking in automated terminals are simpler, and customer recognition is increasing, "We want to make customers experience smoothness and convenience." ”

"A start and a starting point"

Nowadays, the operation routes of Qinzhou Port reach more than 300 ports in more than <> countries and regions around the world.

"The intelligence of the port is only the starting point, and in the future, our entire logistics ecological chain may evolve into a digital and intelligent form." Zhu Guangyuan said. The "starting point" not only includes the progress of science and technology, but also represents the future of international port cooperation. According to him, Brunei's Mora Port and Malaysia's Kuantan Port have different depths of cooperation with China's Guangxi Beibu Gulf International Port Group, and a large number of technical facilities and management plans have adopted Chinese standards.

On September 9, at the Qinzhou Automated Container Terminal of Beibu Gulf Port, located in Qinzhou, Guangxi, containers were being loaded and unloaded unmanned. Photo by Zhang Yangbin, reporter of China News Agency

"In the urban area of Qinzhou, I saw a billboard that said 'Xianghai Tuqiang', and the new mode of rail-sea combined transportation has greatly improved transportation efficiency and reduced the cost of enterprises." Tan Zhidong, executive deputy editor-in-chief of ETtoday, said that with the opening of the 20th China-ASEAN Expo imminent, Taiwan enterprises and Taiwan businessmen should seize the opportunity and make good use of Guangxi's location advantages and broad platform. "Facing the sea, it is also facing a 'blue ocean' of development." (End)