Teller Report

Budget stuck in Congress The US government may fall into another "shutdown" crisis

9/5/2023, 3:20:47 AM

Highlights: The US government is once again in a "shutdown" crisis. As the "deadline" approaches, the ugliness of "party struggle" will once again be exposed. Since 1980, the US federal government has stopped more than 20 times. The Washington Post reported that politicians in Washington have been fighting for a long time on budget issues, and the two-party struggle may be more intense in the context of the 2024 US presidential election. The U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo said such "uncertainty" would hurt economic development.

October 10 began the new fiscal year for the U.S. federal government, however, the federal government's budget for the new fiscal year was still stuck in Congress and was not passed. CBS reported on September 1 that U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo said that the U.S. business community is very worried that once the U.S. government "shuts down" on October 9, it will bring great challenges to the U.S. economy.

On the 31st of last month, the White House said it was urging Congress to pass a short-term spending deal to fund the federal government to avoid a shutdown of the federal government before the start of the new fiscal year on October 10 because it did not have the money to operate.

The "Deadline" Is Approaching The farce of "party struggle" has resumed its time

The US government is once again in a "shutdown" crisis. As the "deadline" approaches, the ugliness of "party struggle" will once again be exposed.

Although the U.S. Congress has just concluded its recess, the quarrel has begun. Congressional Republicans accused Democrats of refusing to negotiate on many of the issues in the budget, making it difficult to pass.

Rep. Kevin Herne, Republican: We would point out the magnitude of the problem, but no one ever wanted to fix it.

Senate Majority Leader and Democrat Schumer said in an open letter on the 1st that if Congress cannot pass the budget, Republicans should be held responsible. He accused Republicans of pushing the debt ceiling to the last minute earlier this year and passing it on the precipice of default, just to curry favor with extremists in the Republican Party.

The US newspaper The Hill has foreseen the coming farce in September. The newspaper, titled "Senate to Face Farce in September," said senators were worried that the federal budget would not pass on time and had begun looking for blame.

Bipartisan fighting has frequently pushed the US government into a "shutdown" crisis, and according to statistics, since 1980, the US federal government has stopped more than 20 times.

Bloomberg political correspondent Ryan Beckwith: They tend to push things to the brink, which is like a seventh grader doing his homework at the last minute. We hope they finish it, but sometimes we tell you that I have a paper to hand in tomorrow, and I can't finish it, so I didn't tell you.

U.S. Commerce Secretary Raimondo said such "uncertainty" would hurt economic development.

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo: If business is to be successful, it's important to have "predictability," "predictability" that can run in a normal order, and this politically driven factor often brings disruption.

The Washington Post reported that politicians in Washington have been fighting for a long time on budget issues, and the two-party struggle may be more intense in the context of the 2024 US presidential election approaching. (CCTV News Client)