Teller Report

Tjejmilen, Sthlm Bike and derby create tangled traffic weekend in Stockholm

9/2/2023, 4:19:57 PM

Highlights: Around 15,000 people are expected to participate in Tjejmilen on Saturday. On Sunday, 500 cyclists will compete to get the fastest between City Hall and the Royal Palace. Extra departures will be added to the metro's Green Line. Hammarby and AIK will play in the football derby at Tele2Arena at 15 pm on Sunday. Several bus routes are affected by the weekend's activities. Up-to-date information can be found on The race is run on the main streets in the city.

Street closures, cancelled bus services – and a lot of spectators. This weekend there is a bike, running and football party in Stockholm and it affects accessibility in the inner city.

On Saturday, around 15,000 people are expected to participate in Tjejmilen with start and finish at Gärdet. The race starts at 13.00.

"We have around 1000,<> volunteers on site. It's an incredibly nice atmosphere, just happy and peppy and everyone can participate and compete, says Kristina Lager, press officer for Tjejmilen.

Photo: Lisa Liljefors/SVT

Bicycle race from City Hall to the Castle

Starting at 07 a.m. on Sunday, 500 cyclists will compete to get the fastest between City Hall and the Royal Palace. 340 volunteers are on site along the way.

"The first cyclists reach the finish line after an hour and a half and there is almost no traffic that early. At each intersection, officials stand who pass through motorists and cyclists in the smoothest way, says Mirjam Wolff, who is the initiator of Sthlm Bike.

The bike race is run on the main streets in the city, through forests and fields on Djurgården and ends in front of the Royal Palace. Photo: Sthlm Bike

Derby Hammarby-AIK

At 15 pm on Sunday afternoon, it's time for the football derby between Hammarby and AIK at Tele2Arena. Extra departures will be added to the metro's Green Line.

Several bus routes are affected by the weekend's activities. Up-to-date information can be found on