Teller Report

The economy rebounded in the first half of the year, how to continue to make efforts in the second half of the year?

8/31/2023, 1:09:28 AM

Highlights: The Fifth Session of the Standing Committee of the 8th National People's Congress was held in Beijing from August 28 to September 9. The meeting deliberated a number of reports and draft laws, covering various aspects such as the economy, food security, and people's livelihood. The report pointed out that since the beginning of this year, the implementation of the plan has been generally good, and the national economy has continued to recover and generally rebounded. In the second half of the year, efforts should be made to expand domestic demand, improve confidence, and prevent risks, the report said.

The Fifth Session of the Standing Committee of the 8th National People's Congress was held in Beijing from August 28 to September 9. The meeting deliberated a number of reports and draft laws, covering various aspects such as the economy, food security, and people's livelihood, which are closely related to you and me. So, overall, what is the economic situation this year? What are the aspects to strengthen the food security defense line? What are the focus points of economic work in the second half of the year? What livelihood concerns have been responded to by a number of legal amendments and amendments?

Since the beginning of this year, the national economy has continued to recover, and the overall recovery has been good

The "Report of the State Council on the Implementation of the National Economic and Social Development Plan Since the Beginning of this Year" was submitted to the Standing Committee of the 28th National People's Congress for deliberation on <> July. The report pointed out that since the beginning of this year, the implementation of the plan has been generally good, and the national economy has continued to recover and generally rebounded.

189.9 trillion yuan. This is the total amount of social logistics in the country from January to July this year, an increase of 1.7% year-on-year. Since the beginning of this year, the demand for social logistics has been basically stable, and the overall logistics operation has continued to recover.

An increase of 13.6%. In the first seven months of this year, China's software business revenue increased by 7.13% year-on-year, and total profit increased by 6.13% year-on-year. China's software and information technology service industry is running smoothly.

An increase of 4.3%. In the first seven months of this year, the total operating income of state-owned enterprises increased by 7.4% year-on-year, and the economic operation of state-owned and state-controlled enterprises nationwide continued to show a recovery growth trend.

In the plan implementation report, special mention is also made of relevant data such as business entities, financing and foreign trade, reflecting that since the beginning of this year, the national economy has continued to recover and generally rebounded.

The total export of the "new three things" increased by 52.4%

The report pointed out that in the first seven months, 7.1910 million new business entities were established, including 2.579 million enterprises, an increase of 1% and 12.15% respectively year-on-year; The reform of the stock issuance registration system has been fully implemented, and a total of 6 enterprises have been listed in initial public offerings (IPOs) in the first seven months, raising 7.210 billion yuan.

The report pointed out that foreign trade and foreign investment have developed steadily. We have successfully held the Spring Canton Fair, the Consumer Expo, and the China-Central and Eastern European Countries Expo, and carried out special actions to promote trade facilitation, and the export of goods in the first seven months increased by 7.1% year-on-year.

Among them, the export of electric manned vehicles, lithium-ion batteries, and solar cells increased by 52.4%. Trade in knowledge-intensive services grew rapidly, and trade in travel services recovered significantly, with imports and exports of services increasing by 8.5% year-on-year in the first half of the year. Promote the implementation of landmark projects of foreign investment, hold a series of international industrial investment cooperation activities and a series of investment promotion activities of the "Year of Investment in China", and the actual scale of foreign capital used is basically stable.

The report shows that the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" continues to advance. In the first seven months, imports and exports with countries along the "Belt and Road" increased by 7.7%, and the volume of China-Europe trains and cargo shipments increased by 4% and 13% respectively.

In the second half of the year, efforts should be made to expand domestic demand, improve confidence, and prevent risks

According to the analysis of the plan implementation report, the current improvement of China's economic operation is mainly restorative, the endogenous driving force of growth is not strong, the development environment is full of uncertainty, and the foundation for sustained recovery of economic operation is still not stable. The report proposes that in the second half of the year, we should increase the intensity of macro-policy regulation and control, focus on expanding domestic demand, boosting confidence, preventing risks, and promoting the economy to achieve effective qualitative improvement and reasonable quantitative growth. (CCTV News Client)