Teller Report

This summer vacation, parent-child study tours and family "partnering" tours have become consumption hotspots

8/30/2023, 7:39:02 PM

Highlights: This summer, crowded airports, train stations and bustling scenic spots are clear evidence of the recovery of tourism in China. The number of summer bookings for domestic tours, including domestic air tickets, hotels, route tours, scenic spot tickets, etc., exceeded the level before 30. The top 10 popular domestic tourist destinations in the summer are Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Xi'an, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Nanjing and Changsha. SUVs that can accommodate more passengers have become the most significant model.

What's different this summer?

Parent-child study tours and family "partnering" tours have become hot spots for consumption

This summer, crowded airports, train stations and bustling scenic spots are clear evidence of the recovery of tourism.

According to the data of China Railway Group, from July 7 to August 1, the national railway summer transport sent a total of 8 million passengers, and on August 15, 6.14 million passengers were sent, setting a record high for the single-day passenger delivery volume of the summer transport. According to data from the Civil Aviation Administration of China, passenger traffic in July this year was 8.12 million, an increase of 1532.6% over the same period in 7, setting a record monthly high for civil aviation. Fliggy data shows that taking hotel accommodation as an example, the average daily room night volume of hotels on the platform exceeded the level of the same period before 6242, and continuously set new summer performance records. According to Ctrip's 8 Summer Travel Market Report, consumers are showing a trend of increasing travel radius, increasing travel frequency, and being willing to pay for experiences this summer.

On August 8, a reporter from Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star News learned from the OTA platform that the number of summer bookings for domestic tours, including domestic air tickets, hotels, route tours, scenic spot tickets, etc., exceeded the level before 30, and study tours and family "partnering" trips have become hot spots for summer consumption.

Tourists in the new first-tier cities are enthusiastic

Chengdu Tianfu Airport is one of the busiest airports in summer

According to Ctrip's 2023 Summer Travel Market Report, as of August 8, summer high-speed rail tour orders increased by 23% compared with the previous two months, with users in new first-tier cities ranking first in the growth of high-speed rail travel orders, with an 51% higher order growth than users in first-tier cities compared with the same period in 2019. The same trend is followed in air tickets, with the number of air ticket orders in new first-tier cities increasing by 8% higher than that in 2019.

In addition, the busiest airports in China in the summer include: Guangzhou Baiyun, Shenzhen Bao'an, Xi'an Xianyang, Chongqing Jiangbei, Beijing Capital, Kunming Changshui, Chengdu Tianfu, Shanghai Pudong, Beijing Daxing, Hangzhou Xiaoshan Airport. The most popular routes are mainly flights between Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Chongqing and Hangzhou.

"This month, my wife and I took the elderly and children to Hangzhou and Suzhou, and we played for a total of 7 days." Liu Gang, a citizen of Chengdu, said that Suzhou and Hangzhou are the cities their son has always wanted to visit. According to him, in his circle of friends, the entire summer vacation was "soaked" by travel photos from all over the world. "Whether it's queuing up to ride camels in Dunhuang, eating seafood in Dalian, Liaoning, or watching the sunrise in Lushan, Jiangxi..."

In addition to the large number of tourists from Chengdu, there are also many tourists from all over the country. The data shows that the top 10 popular domestic tourist destinations in the summer are Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Xi'an, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Nanjing and Changsha, and Chengdu ranks third.

Family "partner" tours, study trips out of the circle

Enjoy parent-child companionship and parent-child learning

The reporter learned that this summer, the number of users who booked multiple hotel rooms at the same time increased by more than 1.1 times year-on-year; SUVs that can accommodate more passengers have become the most significant model with the most significant increase in rental car bookings this summer, and the proportion of orders has increased by more than <>% year-on-year.

Xiang Yingzhi, who has lived in Changsha for a long time, told reporters that she is a middle school teacher and has an 8-year-old son. "In the past, the child was too young to travel with it. This year I decided to take my kids and my teammate's family with my best friend and drive together. ”

Xiang Yingzhi said that in July, their group of six set off from Changsha and passed through Fenghuang Ancient Town, Guilin Yangshuo, Guiyang, Chongqing and Chengdu, for a total of 7 days. "We rented a seven-seater SUV from a chain car rental company, traveled all the way to Chengdu, returned the car at the local sub-station, and finally flew back to Changsha." Xiang Yingzhi said, "The self-driving tour is very happy, we have 6 people taking turns driving, singing and chatting in the car, and the atmosphere of the tour is full. ”

This summer, the demand for "walking children" has been released, and study tours are also a big hit. On some travel platforms, searches for "study tours" have more than doubled compared with last summer. In China, the sales volume of research products in Beijing, Inner Mongolia, Qinghai, Gansu and Sichuan ranks high. Specifically, the number of orders for historical humanities, scientific exploration, and close to nature has increased significantly compared with 2019.

Zhang Zheng, product director of Chengdu Children's Group, said that this summer, the number of applicants for study tours increased significantly year-on-year. According to reports, Zhang Zheng's company has launched a number of research projects. For example, the urban exploration series mainly leads children into Donghuamen Ruins Park, Wangjiang Tower, Ancestral Hall Street and other neighborhoods, and opens up another side of the city through buildings and streets; For example, the Chengdu Night Exploration of the Jinjiang River series takes poetry and rivers as the entrance, leading parent-child families to understand Chengdu's water system, the establishment of the ancient city, and the relationship between the city and water.

"The main reason why study tours with parent-child participation are popular this summer is that this kind of travel method can not only allow children to gain knowledge through research, but also complete the experience of parent-child companionship and parent-child learning in the process." Zhang Zheng said.

Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star News Reporter Du Yuquan Intern Reporter Hu Qian