Teller Report

Secretary for Security of the HKSAR Government visits Vietnam

8/29/2023, 2:19:07 AM

Highlights: Tang Ping-keung, Secretary for Security of the Hong Kong SAR Government, visited Vietnam on 28 August. During the visit, he visited the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam and witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding between Hong Kong and Vietnam on immigration matters. He also visited Hong Kong-funded enterprises and met with Vietnamese people. On the 29th, Tang Bingqiang will transfer to Singapore to continue his trip. He welcomed more Vietnamese to visit Hong Kong for tourism and business, and hoped that more young Vietnamese talents would come to Hong Kong.

Hong Kong, 8 Aug (ZXS) -- Secretary for Security of the Hong Kong SAR Government, Tang Ping-keung, visited Vietnam on 28 August. During the visit, he visited the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam and witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding between Hong Kong and Vietnam on immigration matters, visited Hong Kong-funded enterprises and met with Vietnamese people.

According to the Security Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, on the morning of the 28th, Tang Bingqiang met with Vietnamese Vice Minister of Public Security Leung Sam Quang to introduce the latest situation in Hong Kong, and the two sides also exchanged views on entry-exit coordination and maintaining public safety. Later, they witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Director of Immigration of the HKSAR Government and the Director of the Immigration Department of Vietnam, Van Denko, to strengthen co-operation between the two places on immigration matters.

Mr Tang said that Hong Kong and Vietnam have been strengthening trade and people-to-people exchanges over the years, and the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding to enhance cooperation on immigration matters marks a new level in the close relations between the two places. He welcomed more Vietnamese to visit Hong Kong for tourism and business, and hoped that more young Vietnamese talents would come to Hong Kong for further studies and pursue their careers after graduation.

In the afternoon, Tang Bingqiang met with the heads of the Foreign Security Bureau, the Mainland Security Bureau and the Foreign Affairs Bureau under the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam to exchange views on counter-terrorism and safeguarding national security.

In addition, he called on Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Xiong Bo to introduce the latest situation in Hong Kong in safeguarding national security, maintaining law and order and effectively controlling entry and exit; He also expressed his heartfelt thanks to the Chinese Embassy and Consulates General in Vietnam for their continued support to the Immigration Department in providing support to Hong Kong people in foreign affairs.

In the evening, Mr Tang visited a Hong Kong-invested enterprise investing in Vietnam to hear about its operations and the local business environment. He met with the Vietnamese to learn about the local socio-economic situation and briefed them on the development of Hong Kong.

On the 29th, Tang Bingqiang will transfer to Singapore to continue his trip. (End)