Teller Report

Gifu sake won the first prize in the Japan sake competition by the French sommelier

8/28/2023, 10:18:31 PM

Highlights: A sake competition was held in Paris Japan by leading French sommeliers. Junmai Daiginjo, a sake brewery in Gifu, was selected as the grand prize. Japan 7,1192 brands were exhibited from sake breweries nationwide, the largest number ever. The export value of alcoholic beverages in Japan reached a record high for 10 consecutive years, and in particular, the value of Japan alcoholic beverages has increased significantly. Japan is aiming for traditional sake brewing to be registered as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.

【NHK】A sake competition Japan by leading French sommeliers was held in Paris, and Junmai Daiginjo, a sake brewery in Gifu, was selected as the first prize ...

A sake competition was held in Paris Japan by leading French sommeliers, and Junmai Daiginjo, a sake brewery in Gifu, was selected as the grand prize.

The Japan sake competition held in Paris is characterized by judging by sommeliers active in French hotels and restaurants, and this is the seventh time this year.

This year Japan 7,1192 brands were exhibited from sake breweries nationwide, the largest number ever, and on the 28th, the results of the judging by 106 sommeliers were announced, and the award ceremony was held.

The winner of the grand prize was Yamada Shoten's Junmai Daiginjo "Tamakashiwa," and Managing Director Ikko Yamada, who participated in the award ceremony, expressed his joy, saying, "It's a great encouragement because it's one of my goals."

In addition, in the Honkaku Shochu and Awamori category, which was established separately from Japan sake, the barley shochu "Aokage" from Yanagida Sake Brewery in Miyazaki was selected as the grand prize out of 187 brands, and representative Tadashi Yanagida said, "Although shochu is still not well known in the world Japan we will further improve our technology so that it does not lose to sake."

Last year, the export value of alcoholic beverages in Japan reached a record high for 10 consecutive years, and in particular, the value of Japan alcoholic beverages has increased significantly, more than fourfold in 10 years.

Ambassador Makita Shimokawa to France, who participated in the award ceremony, said Japan "I hope that the appeal of sake will be conveyed more widely by the sommeliers who excel in expressive power related to sake."

Ambassador to France "Making Japan sake as familiar to everyone as wine"

Ambassador Shimokawa stated Japan that the government is aiming for traditional sake brewing to be registered as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO, and said, "The strength of Japan sake is that it goes well with any ingredient, and the government will make further efforts to make it as familiar to everyone as wine."

Sommelier Xavier Chuizat, who chaired the judging committee, Japan explained that the popularity of Japan sake is due to the spread of Japanese food and the widespread use of Japan ingredients such as miso and yuzu.