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Current political news in Urumqi specially listened to the report, Xi Jinping made these important arrangements for Xinjiang work

8/27/2023, 1:17:50 AM

Highlights: Xinjiang work has always been a major concern for the general secretary. The whole party should understand the importance of Xinjiang's work from a strategic and overall perspective. The requirements of the Party Central Committee on all work in Xinjiang are very clear, and the key points are in place and implemented. It is necessary to fully and accurately implement the party's strategy for governing Xinjiang in the new era. The general secretary has stressed many times that it is necessary for Xinjiang to focus on the overall goal of the party.

On August 8, after returning home from his trip to South Africa, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a special arrangement to listen to the work reports of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Party Committee and Government and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps in Urumqi.

This is the second time that the general secretary has listened to a report on Xinjiang's work in person after his inspection tour of Xinjiang in July last year. After listening to the report, the general secretary made important arrangements for doing a good job in all aspects of Xinjiang's work. What did he highlight and what new requirements did he make? "Current Political News Eye" interprets it for you.

Video: Xi Jinping stressed when listening to the work report of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Party Committee and Government Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps to firmly grasp the strategic positioning of Xinjiang in the overall national situation and better build a beautiful Xinjiang in the process of Chinese-style modernizationSource: CCTV


Xinjiang's work has a bearing on the overall situation

At the report meeting on the 26th, General Secretary Xi Jinping said that Xinjiang's work has a special and important position in the overall work of the party and the country, and is related to the overall situation of building a strong country and national rejuvenation.

Xinjiang work has always been a major concern for the general secretary. In April 2014, during his inspection tour of Xinjiang, the general secretary said that doing a good job in Xinjiang has a bearing on the overall situation of the whole country, and is by no means just a matter for one region of Xinjiang, but for the whole party and the whole country. The whole party should understand the importance of Xinjiang's work from a strategic and overall perspective, and calculate more big accounts and less small accounts, especially political and strategic accounts, and less economic accounts and immediate accounts.

During the two sessions of the National People's Congress in 2017, the general secretary said when participating in the review of the Xinjiang delegation that Xinjiang is an important security barrier in northwest China, with a special strategic position and special problems, and it is of great significance to do a good job in Xinjiang.

During his inspection tour of Xinjiang last year, the general secretary once again stressed that the whole party should understand the importance of Xinjiang's work from a strategic and overall perspective.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the general secretary has twice inspected Xinjiang and delivered important speeches at the central Xinjiang work forum, putting forward the party's strategy for governing Xinjiang in the new era from the perspective of strategy and the overall situation.

At the third central Xinjiang work forum held in 2020, the general secretary further expanded "governing Xinjiang according to law, uniting and stabilizing Xinjiang, and building Xinjiang for a long time" to "governing Xinjiang according to law, uniting and stabilizing Xinjiang, nourishing Xinjiang with culture, enriching the people and rejuvenating Xinjiang, and building Xinjiang for a long time".

△Xinjiang vineyards. (Photo by CCTV reporter Li Bing)

At the August 8 briefing, the general secretary said that the requirements of the Party Central Committee on all work in Xinjiang are very clear, and the key points are in place and implemented. He stressed that it is necessary to fully and accurately implement the party's strategy for governing Xinjiang in the new era, firmly grasp the strategic positioning of Xinjiang in the overall situation of the country, and better build a beautiful Xinjiang in the process of Chinese-style modernization.

△Xinjiang Shihezi cotton field. (Photo by CCTV reporter Peng Hanming)


Administering Xinjiang according to law and uniting and stabilizing Xinjiang

Social stability and long-term peace and stability are the general goals of Xinjiang's work.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has stressed many times that it is necessary to focus on the overall goal of Xinjiang and promote fundamental, basic and long-term work related to long-term peace and stability.

At the report meeting on 8 August, the general secretary pointed out that it is necessary to grasp the general goal of work and do a deep, meticulous and solid job in administering Xinjiang according to law, uniting and stabilizing Xinjiang, nourishing Xinjiang with culture, enriching the people and rejuvenating Xinjiang, and building Xinjiang for a long time.

△Turpan rural propaganda poster. (Photo by CCTV reporter Yang Xinyu)

Governing Xinjiang according to law is the first priority.

At the Third Central Xinjiang Work Forum, the general secretary pointed out that to maintain sustained stability and long-term stability in Xinjiang's overall social situation, it is necessary to hold high the banner of socialist rule of law, carry forward the spirit of rule of law, and implement the requirements of comprehensively governing the country according to law in all fields of Xinjiang's work.

At this report meeting, the general secretary once again stressed that it is necessary to focus on long-term peace and stability, hold high the banner of rule of law, make good use of legal weapons, improve the level of rule of law, and build a stable foundation for the rule of law.

△Xinjiang University has forged a research base for the consciousness of the Chinese national community. (Photo by CCTV reporter Wang Hanan)

Unity and stability are crucial.

During his visit to Xinjiang in 2014, the general secretary stressed that "the most difficult and long-term issue in Xinjiang is the issue of ethnic unity." At the Second Central Xinjiang Work Forum, he clearly put forward the major thesis of "the consciousness of the Chinese national community."

During his visit to Xinjiang this time, the general secretary pointed out that it is necessary to do a solid job in forging the consciousness of the Chinese national community. From firmly promoting education in the standard spoken and written Chinese language, to strengthening the protection and utilization of cultural relics and cultural heritage, from strengthening modern civilization education and popular science education for young people, to accelerating the construction of an embedded social structure and community environment, the general secretary put forward clear requirements.

△Urumqi Guyuan Lane Community. (Photographed by CCTV reporter Ma Lifei)

The metaphor of "pomegranate seeds" was told by the general secretary during a visit to Xinjiang in 2014 by a Uyghur villager. "Hold together like pomegranate seeds", this simple phrase from life touched the heartstrings of the general secretary and was also remembered in the heart of every Chinese.


New opportunities, new actions

Development is the overall key to resolving the Xinjiang issue and an important foundation for Xinjiang's long-term peace and stability.

In 2014, the general secretary said during an inspection tour of Xinjiang, "If the Silk Road Economic Belt is built, Xinjiang may become a prosperous center." If nothing else, Urumqi is now the largest city with a radius of 1500,<> kilometers, what will it be like by then? ”

Less than a month later, when presiding over the Politburo meeting of the Central Committee, the general secretary clearly proposed to focus on building the core area of the Xinjiang Silk Road Economic Belt.

△Xinjiang's location advantage in the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt. (Photo by CCTV reporter Peng Hanming)

At the third central Xinjiang work conference held in 2020, the general secretary pointed out that it is necessary to give full play to Xinjiang's geographical advantages, drive the construction of the core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt, and create a highland open inland and open along the border.

Last year, during his inspection trip to Xinjiang, the general secretary made a special trip to the Urumqi International Dry Port Area. He said that with the deepening of China's opening up, the large-scale development of the western region, and the joint construction of the "Belt and Road", Xinjiang has changed from a relatively closed inland to the forefront of opening up to the outside world, and it is necessary to promote the construction of the core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt.

The idea changes, and the whole plate is alive.

△Urumqi International Dry Port Area. (Photo by CCTV reporter Peng Hanming)

At this year's report meeting, the general secretary said that to build a new development pattern, promote high-quality development, and promote Chinese-style modernization, Xinjiang faces new opportunities and must make new achievements.

From accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system that reflects Xinjiang's characteristics and advantages, to actively developing modern agricultural and photovoltaic industrial parks, from strengthening industrial cooperation and personnel exchanges between Xinjiang and the mainland, to accelerating the construction of the core area of the "Belt and Road", the general secretary pointed out the direction for Xinjiang's development.


These major events are focused on deployment

At the briefing meeting on August 8, General Secretary Xi Jinping also focused on several major events to do a good job in Xinjiang.

In April 2014, the general secretary pointed out during his inspection tour of Xinjiang that the key to achieving social stability and leapfrog development in Xinjiang lies in the party, and fundamentally depends on a strong cadre team, a strict grassroots organization system, and an effective mass work mechanism.

To rejuvenate and stabilize Xinjiang, emphasis should be placed on the grassroots level. At this report meeting, the general secretary stressed that to do a good job in Xinjiang's work, it is necessary to persist in sinking the work force, party members and cadres must go deep into the grassroots and the masses, and the organizational system and work force must go directly to the grassroots level and enrich the frontline strength of the grassroots level.

△The service center of the party and masses in Ximen Village, Xinjiang New City. (Photo by CCTV reporter Yang Xinyu)

During his inspection visit to Xinjiang last year, the general secretary pointed out that it is necessary to carry out Xinjiang-related foreign propaganda at multiple levels, in an all-round and three-dimensional manner, improve the work of "inviting in," and tell the story of Xinjiang in China.

At this year's report meeting, the general secretary stressed the need to tell the story of Xinjiang in the new era through multiple channels and forms, and to refute all kinds of false public opinion, negative public opinion, and harmful remarks in a targeted manner. It is necessary to intensify the opening up of Xinjiang's tourism and encourage domestic and foreign tourists to travel to Xinjiang.

The establishment of a corps in Xinjiang to undertake the mission of reclamation and border reclamation is the strategic layout of the Party Central Committee for governing the country and security, and is an important strategy for strengthening border governance. The general secretary has stressed many times that under the new situation, the XPCC's work can only be strengthened, not weakened. Last year, he went to Xinjiang for inspection, and the general secretary made a special trip to Shihezi City, the Eighth Division of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, to conduct on-the-spot investigations.

At this report meeting, the general secretary called for persisting in playing a game of chess with the military and the local government and speeding up the integration and development of the army and the local government.

△A peach plantation in Shihezi City, the Eighth Division of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, presents a bumper harvest. (Photo by CCTV reporter Duan Dewen)

General Secretary Xi Jinping also made arrangements for carrying out thematic education, strengthening the political construction of the cadre team, and continuing to deepen the positive trend, discipline and anti-corruption.

The majestic Tianshan Mountains and magnificent Kunlun have witnessed the great changes in Xinjiang's history. During his inspection trip to Xinjiang last year, the general secretary said, "The most important thing for Xinjiang to maintain long-term stability lies in the hearts and minds of the people." ”

By seeking progress in a stable manner, working hard and making contributions for a long time, we will certainly be able to better build a beautiful Xinjiang that is united, harmonious, prosperous and prosperous, civilized and progressive, living and working in peace and contentment, and with a good ecology in the process of Chinese-style modernization.

Executive producer丨Shen Yong

Main writer丨Gong Xuehui Liu Ruilin

Vision丨Chen Kuo Zhang Jing

Editor丨Wang Zun