Teller Report

Extremely hot days in Hokkaido 37.1 degrees Celsius in Kitami Affects agriculture and dairy farming School closure

8/24/2023, 8:48:33 AM

Highlights: temperature rose nationwide on the 24th, and in Hokkaido, Kitami City was on a very hot day of 37.1 degrees. Sapporo City, which observed a record high of 23.36 degrees Celsius since the Japan Meteorological Agency began collecting statistics on the 3rd, experienced record heat such as 24 degrees Celsius on the 35th. In Mori Town, the local agricultural cooperative stopped shipping corn to the market on the 16th of this month because the corn grew faster than usual due to the rise in temperature.

【NHK】The temperature rose nationwide on the 24th, and in Hokkaido, Kitami City is on a very hot day of 37.1 degrees. Since the Japan Meteorological Agency started collecting statistics on the 23rd ...

On the 24th, the temperature rose nationwide, and in Hokkaido, Kitami City was on a very hot day of 37.1 degrees. Sapporo City, which observed a record high of 23.36 degrees Celsius since the Japan Meteorological Agency began collecting statistics on the 3rd,
experienced record heat such as a hot day of 24 degrees Celsius on the 35th.

We have summarized the effects of the heat in various parts of Hokkaido.

Heat stroke at a vocational school in Tomakomai, or two people transported to the hospital

Just before noon on the 24th, a teacher at Tomakomai Higher Commercial School, a vocational school in Tomakomai City, Hokkaido, reported to the fire department that two students were complaining of heat stroke.

According to the school, the two are second-year male students who have been taken to the hospital with symptoms that appear to be heat stroke, such as hyperventilation and body tremors, but both are mildly symptomatic and are getting better.

After attending a physical education class held in the gymnasium, the two returned to the classroom to take the next class when they complained of feeling unwell.

According to the meteorological observatory, the temperature in Tomakomai City around 2 a.m. when the two complained of feeling unwell was 2.2 degrees.

Southern Hokkaido continues in midsummer Pumpkin discoloration affects corn growth

In Hakodate City, Hokkaido, there were 30 midsummer days of 24 degrees Celsius or higher, including the 20th, the highest number since observation began in 1872.

Under these circumstances, in the field of Mr. Seiji Akei in Mori Town, pumpkins cannot be shipped because they have become discolored by the strong sun, and tens of tons are to be discarded.

Mr. Akii said, "The shipment volume will be 2.3% less than usual, and I think we will not be able to respond to orders next month."

Furthermore, in Mori Town, the local agricultural cooperative stopped shipping corn to the market on the 16th of this month because the corn grew faster than usual due to the rise in temperature and the market price fell due to the excessive harvest.

Of these, Toshimitsu Kurosawa's field has had to dispose of about 6,1000 corns.

Mr. Kurosawa said, "I think the loss will be close to <> million yen. Assuming that the extreme heat will continue next year, we would like to control the temperature."

Dairy cows lose their appetite in the heat, some cows die of mastitis

Takashi Sugawara's ranch in Kamishihoro Town, Hokkaido, where the maximum daytime temperature reached 33.2 degrees Celsius, raises about 350 dairy cows, and some cows have lost their appetite due to the heat and have contracted mastitis due to a decrease in physical strength.

For this reason, milk yield has decreased by about 2% compared to usual, and Mr. Sugawara is taking measures against the heat, such as installing large fans in the barn, but the cost has risen by about 1% due to soaring electricity bills, putting pressure on management.

Mr. Sugawara said, "Holsteins are not used to the heat, and it doesn't usually get this hot at this time of year, so I hope it's time to cool down. If this kind of heat continues next year, I feel that we need to take new measures against the heat."

Kindergartens and school closures (10 a.m.)

On the 24th, in response to the announcement of a heat stroke warning alert in Hokkaido, measures have been taken such as temporary closure of public schools and earlier disembarkation time.

As of 10 a.m., according to the Hokkaido Board of Education, the following measures were temporarily closed or closed: ▽ 1 kindergarten, ▽ 54 elementary schools, ▽ 26 junior high schools, ▽ 1 compulsory education school,
▽ 4 high schools,

There are 7 special needs schools and
1 secondary school, for a total of 94.

In addition, measures were taken to accelerate the disembarkation time:
▽ 208 elementary schools, ▽ 60 junior high schools, ▽ 2 compulsory education schools, ▽ 36 high schools,

There are 12 special needs schools, for a total of 318 schools.