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How to improve the coverage rate of enterprise annuity? Experts recommend exploring tax incentives

8/23/2023, 7:17:35 AM

Highlights: China is now in a critical period of deepening the old-age security system. The first step is to improve the coverage rate of annuities. The second is to significantly reduce the number of years of ownership. The third is to make it easier for employees to take part in the pension scheme. The fourth is to promote the development of a multi-million dollar annuity fund for the elderly. The fifth and final step is the creation of a national pension fund to fund the pension system.

China News Network, August 8 (Reporter Zhang Ni) With the acceleration of China's aging population, the demand for pension allocation continues to grow, and the construction of the second and third pillars of the old-age security system has accelerated. As the second pillar, the scope and scale of enterprise-led enterprise annuities are still limited. Recently, some experts suggested that by exploring preferential tax policies and other ways, we should promote the improvement of enterprise annuity coverage.

On the 19th, the <>th National Pension Summit Forum, hosted by the Chinese Society of Social Security, organized by the Pension Branch of the Chinese Society of Social Security, and co-organized by Ping An Pension Insurance Co., Ltd., China Universal Fund Management Co., Ltd. and Huaxia Fund Management Co., Ltd., was held in Beijing, with the theme of "Promoting the High-quality Development of China's Pension Industry".

Zheng Gongcheng, president of the Chinese Society of Social Security, emphasized in his speech that China is now in a critical period of deepening the reform of the pension system, and the transformation from incremental reform to structural optimization will inevitably involve a profound adjustment of the pattern of existing interests. Therefore, it is necessary to further consolidate the consensus of deepening reform, and solidly promote the rapid development of the pension insurance system towards the right goal and along the right path with more courageous and intelligent reform strategies and implementation plans.

Gan Weimin, vice president of the Pension Branch of the Chinese Society of Social Security and chairman of Ping An Pension Insurance Co., Ltd., said that the aging population has brought about an increasingly strong demand for the pension market. At present, China has the characteristics of a large scale of the elderly population, a rapid aging population, prominent health problems of the elderly population, and a leap in the ratio of elderly dependents, and it is very urgent to promote the reform of pension finance.

In this regard, in the task of "strengthening the first pillar, enlarging the second pillar, and expanding the third pillar", the current key focus is to improve the coverage rate of enterprise annuities, first, to change the existing short-term assessment mechanism of enterprise annuities, and measure the return on investment with a long-term cycle of 2-3 years, so as to improve the investment income of enterprise annuities; The second is to explore flexible setting of employee participation rates and the scope of tax incentives, allowing private enterprises to relax the employee participation rate of enterprise annuities, and include profit sharing plans, employee stock ownership pension plans, stock dividend plans, etc. that meet certain conditions as special forms of enterprise annuities into the scope of second pillar tax incentives.

Ren Zhiqiang, vice president of the Pension Branch of the Chinese Society of Social Security and general manager of Haifutong Fund Management Co., Ltd., said that China's basic endowment insurance basically covers labor and employment personnel, but the coverage rate of the second and third pillars is low and the scale of funds is small, and the development of the second and third pillars should be focused.

In terms of improving the coverage rate of enterprise annuities, he suggested: First, appropriately optimize the tax policy, achieve full pre-tax deduction for unit and individual contributions, combine enterprise annuity and individual pension when receiving retirement, and apply individual income tax deduction expenses and special deductions; The second is to simplify the requirements for enterprise annuity participation procedures; The third is to significantly reduce the number of years of ownership of enterprise annuity unit contributions, and the maximum period of ownership is controlled within 3 years or from the beginning to individual employees. He also suggested that people who have not participated in the basic pension insurance are allowed to voluntarily participate in individual pensions, and allow the unused part of the individual contribution amount in the enterprise annuity to pay personal pensions to improve the enthusiasm of individual pensions.

Jin Weigang, vice president of the Chinese Society of Social Security and president of the pension branch, vice president and researcher of the National Institute of System of Zhejiang University, believes that at present, the development of enterprise annuities in China is still facing many difficulties such as the unbalanced development of the three-pillar old-age security system, the very slow development of enterprise annuities, and the rapid development of occupational annuities.

He believes that vigorously promoting the rapid development of enterprise annuities should be regarded as one of the key points of building a multi-level pension system and promoting the high-quality development of the pension system from a strategic height. In order to promote the development of enterprise annuities to break through the bottleneck, he suggested: First, appropriately reduce the basic endowment insurance premium rate of enterprises, and coordinate and promote the development of enterprise annuities; The second is to increase the preferential tax policy for enterprise annuity payment; Third, enterprises are allowed to establish enterprise annuities for some groups in advance; Fourth, vigorously develop enterprise annuity pooling plans; Fifth, establish a long-term investment concept and improve long-term investment efficiency; Sixth, promote the integration and unification of enterprise annuity and occupational annuity; The seventh is to strengthen annuity legislation and improve the annuity supervision system. (End)