Teller Report

To combat telecom fraud, the official has a new action!

8/22/2023, 5:38:24 AM

Highlights: The topic of cross-border fraud and online gambling crime has attracted attention online. In response to the increasingly illegal and criminal activities, multiple departments have taken successive actions to crack down on the crime. The Chinese government attaches great importance to this, and the Chinese people deeply hate it. In May, the Chinese Embassy in Myanmar rescued a number of Chinese citizens trapped in Myanmar's Myawaddy region on the grounds of "hiring them with high salaries" The two sides should take further effective measures to jointly carry out a new phase of joint operations with other relevant neighboring countries.

Beijing, August 8 -- A doctor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was deceived to northern Myanmar, and the northern Myanmar telegram fraud group offered high-profile rewards to arrest people... Recently, the topic of cross-border fraud and online gambling crime has attracted attention online.

Under the guise of "high-paying recruitment", overseas telecommunications network fraud groups lure and intimidate ordinary people to engage in fraudulent activities, and form a series of black industrial chains such as violent detention and human trafficking. In response to the increasingly illegal and criminal activities, multiple departments have taken successive actions to crack down on the crime of wire fraud and online gambling.

Wang Yi held talks with Thai Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Tun Image source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs official website

The foreign minister speaks!

The ambassador to Myanmar interviewed Myanmar officials several times

On August 8, Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and foreign minister, held talks in Beijing with Thai Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Tun, who was on a working visit to China.

During the talks, Wang Yi said that China is willing to deepen cooperation with Thailand in various fields and promote the development concept of China-Laos and Thailand to achieve more visible results. The two sides should accelerate the construction of the China-Thailand railway and the China-Laos-Thailand railway link, and jointly crack down on transnational crimes such as telecommunications fraud.

It can be noted that in recent years, the diplomatic system has paid more attention to telecom fraud, and many consulates abroad such as the Chinese Embassy in Brunei and the Chinese Consulate General in Perth have recently issued articles to remind Chinese citizens and overseas Chinese in the consular district to guard against telecommunications fraud.

In May, the Chinese Embassy in Myanmar rescued a number of Chinese citizens trapped in Myawaddy after being lured into smuggling to Myanmar's Myawaddy region on the grounds of "hiring them with high salaries" and asked to engage in telecommunications fraud.

Ambassador Chen Hai again interviewed Myanmar's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Home Affairs Sotu on combating telecommunications fraud and other criminal activities Image source: Chinese Embassy in Myanmar

At the end of July, Chinese Ambassador to Myanmar Chen Hai coordinated with Myanmar Foreign Minister Dansui on cracking down on telecommunications fraud and other criminal activities. Ambassador Chen pointed out that in response to the spread of wire fraud in the border areas of Myanmar, China and Myanmar and China, Myanmar and Thailand have carried out joint crackdown operations and achieved initial results. Despite this, electricity fraud activities are still rampant in Myanmar's border areas, including northern Myanmar, seriously harming the vital interests of the people of China and Myanmar. The Chinese government attaches great importance to this, and the Chinese people deeply hate it.

"The two sides should take further effective measures to jointly carry out a new phase of joint crackdown operations with other relevant neighboring countries, make every effort to eradicate electric fraud dens, rescue trapped Chinese personnel, eradicate the cancer of gambling fraud in Myanmar, bring criminal forces and their organizers to justice, and safeguard the overall situation of China-Myanmar friendship and cooperation." Chen Hai said.

According to the official website of the Chinese Embassy in Myanmar, in March this year, Ambassador Chen Hai held a meeting with Myanmar Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Sou Tu on strengthening the fight against illegal cross-border criminal activities such as online fraud. In May, Ambassador Chen Hai interviewed Suo Tu again on combating telecommunications fraud and other criminal activities.

During the meeting, Sotu said that Myanmar attaches great importance to China's concerns, has taken multifaceted countermeasures, and carried out joint actions with China and other relevant countries.

Sotu said that although Myanmar is facing some difficulties, it will strengthen coordination and cooperation with relevant countries including China, continue the crackdown operation, further deter relevant forces and personnel in Myanmar, and safeguard the security and interests of the people of the two countries.

Six telecom fraud suspects were escorted back from Myanmar. Image source: Chinese Embassy in Myanmar

Police of the four countries cooperate in combating gambling syndicates

Crack down domestic co-perpetrators in accordance with law

With the deepening of the crackdown on governance, some new changes and new characteristics have emerged in telecommunications network fraud crimes, and the characteristics of transnational organizations have become increasingly obvious. Among them, overseas wire fraud criminal groups frequently attract people's attention. In this regard, the political and legal departments have repeatedly stated to the outside world that they will continue to intensify the crackdown on and punishment of foreign wire fraud criminal groups.

At the end of July, Chen Wenqing, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the Central Political and Legal Commission, presided over the plenary meeting of the Central Political and Legal Commission. The meeting emphasized that we should adhere to systematic, lawful, and source governance, crack down illegal and criminal activities such as overseas telecommunications network fraud in accordance with the law, crack down domestic co-criminals in accordance with the law, and resolutely safeguard the vital interests of the people.

On August 8, Secretary General of the Central Political and Legal Commission, Ji Bai, went to the National Anti-fraud Center for research and discussion. During the investigation, Ji Bai pointed out that the current situation of telecommunications network fraud crimes is still severe and complex, especially the emergence of new trends and new characteristics of overseas telecommunications network fraud crimes, and the types of cases are developing to vicious cases that seriously endanger the personal safety of the people, and the difficulty of cracking down is increasing, the harm is serious, and the impact is bad.

He pointed out that it is necessary to further improve the command and operation system, consolidate the early warning and prevention mechanism, continuously optimize the strike mode, condense internal and external consensus, form an overall joint force, and quickly curb the rebound momentum of overseas telecommunications network fraud.

The police of China, Thailand, Myanmar and Laos launched a special joint operation to cooperate in cracking down on gambling and fraud syndicates. Image source: CCTV News

The crackdown on transnational wire fraud crimes is continuing and expanding. According to reports, from August 8 to 15, the Ministry of Public Security of China, the General Police Department of Thailand, the Myanmar Police Headquarters and the Ministry of Public Security of Laos jointly held a special cooperative crackdown on gambling and fraud and related crimes such as human trafficking, kidnapping, and illegal detention in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

The parties decided to jointly establish a comprehensive coordination center for special operations in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and set up joint action points for regions where gambling and fraud are rampant, so as to severely crack down on telecommunications network fraud and online gambling crimes in the region with closer cooperation, more proactive offensive and more professional actions, and resolutely reverse the high incidence of human trafficking, kidnapping, detention and other crimes.

All sides said that they will use practical actions to issue a stern warning to those gambling and fraud criminal groups that still do not stop, and demonstrate to the police at home and abroad the firm determination of the police of China, Thailand, Myanmar and Laos to unite and cooperate and crack down on gambling and fraud.

Infographic: A cross-border telecommunications fraud gang is arrested in Heilongjiang Province. Photo courtesy of Harbin Municipal Public Security Bureau

According to previous media reports, in March this year, the Trilateral Trilateral Conference on Human Trafficking, jointly organized by the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China, the National Police of the Republic of Myanmar and the General Police of Thailand, was held in Bangkok, Thailand, to jointly combat human trafficking, telecommunications fraud and other transnational crimes.

In June, six suspects of telecommunications fraud were handed over by Myanmar police to a Chinese police team at Yangon International Airport and escorted back to China. In this regard, the Chinese Embassy in Myanmar said that the above six people were arrested in the tripartite joint crackdown on electricity fraud on the Myanmar-Thailand border. This move demonstrates the firm determination and will of China, Myanmar and Thailand to jointly combat transnational crimes, especially gambling-related crimes. (End)