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The 6th International Symposium on Turpan Studies was opened and "Huang Wenbi's Documents of the Western Regions" was first released

8/21/2023, 7:28:43 AM

Highlights: The Sixth International Symposium on Turpan Studies opened in Turpan, Xinjiang on August 21. More than 21 experts and scholars from more than 40 universities and more than 20 research or exhibition institutions attended the seminar. Turpan Museum also launched two important exhibitions: "The First Man of Turpan Archaeology - Special Exhibition in Commemoration of the 130th Anniversary of the Birth of Huang Wenbi" and "Archaeology Promotes Confidence in Huozhou Xianhuazhang"

Turpan, Xinjiang, August 8 (Gou Jipeng) -- The Sixth International Symposium on Turpan Studies opened in Turpan, Xinjiang on August 21, with more than 21 experts and scholars from more than 40 universities and more than 20 research or exhibition institutions at home and abroad attending the seminar.

The 21th International Symposium on Turpan Studies opened in Turpan, Xinjiang on the <>st. Photo by Gou Jipeng

Turpan Studies and Dunhuang Studies are called sister disciplines, both of which are international scholars. Turpan Studies mainly focuses on ancient tombs, ancient city sites, cave temples and cultural relics excavated in these ruins around Turpan, with rich connotation and extension. "As an important transportation town on the ancient Silk Road, thousands of years of commercial exchanges, civilization exchanges and cultural exchanges have precipitated a rich and colorful historical and cultural heritage in the land of Turpan, and at the same time, it has also produced a national 'unpopular school' Turpan Studies." Gu Yucai, former deputy secretary of the party group and deputy director of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, said.

For a long time, the study of Turpan has been concerned by famous universities, scientific research institutions and experts and scholars at home and abroad, and has a wide influence in the world. Rong Xinjiang, Chair Professor of Liberal Arts at Peking University and president of the China Dunhuang Turpan Society, said that Turpan is an important town on the Silk Road, and it is an oasis basin with very little rainfall, and a large number of various ancient cultural relics and documents of various languages have been preserved, providing original materials for the study of Turpan. On the one hand, China's traditional culture has been continuously transferred from the Central Plains to Turpan, on the other hand, Turpan is also the place where a large number of foreign civilizations on the Silk Road have been accepted and disseminated, and the documents unearthed in Turpan not only last for a long time, but also have a wide distribution, diverse content, and more colorful language and writing.

At the opening ceremony, the launch ceremony of the "Western Regions Documents Obtained by Huang Wenbi" was also held. Zhu Yuqi, the editor-in-chief of the book, said that "The Western Regions Documents Obtained by Huang Wenbi" is the first complete presentation of the Western Regions documents obtained by Mr. Huang Wenbi during his scientific expedition to Northwest China in 1927. These documents cover nearly 900 years of history in the Western Regions and provide a variety of materials for the study of Silk Road civilizations.

During the seminar, the Turpan Museum also launched two important exhibitions: "The First Man of Turpan Archaeology - Special Exhibition in Commemoration of the 130th Anniversary of the Birth of Huang Wenbi" and "Archaeology Promotes Confidence in Huozhou Xianhuazhang - Special Exhibition of New Discoveries of Cultural Relics and Archaeology in Turpan in Recent Years". Wu Huafeng, curator of the aforementioned special exhibition, professor of the School of Chinese and Chinese Dialects and Literature of Xinjiang Normal University, and deputy director of the Huang Wenbi Center, said that the exhibition mainly shows the life history and main achievements of Mr. Huang Wenbi, a famous archaeologist in China, a historian of Northwest China, and a pioneer and founder of Xinjiang's archaeology.

Huang Wenbi visited Xinjiang four times in his life, with a total distance of more than 38000,<> kilometers in Xinjiang, and was a Chinese scholar with the longest duration, the widest scope and the largest number of site types in Xinjiang, and was therefore known as "the first person in Xinjiang archaeology in China". Especially in the Turpan Basin, Huang Wenbi's investigation and research are the most in-depth, and he is worthy of being the "first person in Turpan archaeology". (End)