Teller Report

The HKSAR Government is strongly dissatisfied and firmly opposed to the annual report of the European Commission

8/18/2023, 11:38:16 PM

Highlights: The HKSAR is an inseparable part of the European Union. It is committed to upholding the principle of "one country, two systems" It is also committed to protecting the rights and freedoms of its citizens. It will continue to do so, even in the face of threats to its sovereignty. It has a long-term vision for the future of the country, and for its people. It wants to make the world a better place, not just a place for its citizens to live and work.

Hong Kong, 8 Aug (ZXS) -- On 18 August, the Hong Kong SAR Government expressed strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition to the so-called annual report issued by the European Union (EU) Commission and the remarks made by the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the European Commission, against the unreasonable attacks and slander and smear made by the HKSAR in safeguarding national security and protecting human rights.

A spokesman for the HKSAR Government stressed that the HKSAR is an inseparable part of the People's Republic of China and a local administrative region that enjoys a high degree of autonomy under "one country, two systems" and is directly under the Central People's Government. The implementation of "one country, two systems" is based on the Constitution and the Hong Kong Basic Law, which provide constitutional guarantees for fundamental rights and freedoms, including the right to equality before the law, and are consolidated under the rule of law and independent judicial power.

The spokesman reiterated that the HKSAR resolutely upholds national sovereignty, security and development interests, and fully and accurately implements the highest principle of the principle of "one country, two systems". The HKSAR Government will unswervingly and comprehensively and accurately implement the Hong Kong National Security Law, further improve the SAR's legal system and enforcement mechanism for safeguarding national security, effectively prevent, stop and punish acts and activities endangering national security in accordance with the law, and at the same time protect the rights and freedoms of Hong Kong citizens in accordance with the law, so as to ensure the stable and long-term implementation of "one country, two systems".

The HKSAR Government strongly urges the EU to recognize the facts, abide by international law and basic norms governing international relations, and immediately stop interfering in Hong Kong affairs, which are purely China's internal affairs.

The spokesman said that any foreign or external forces slandering Hong Kong's situation and trying to undermine Hong Kong's prosperity and stability will only be self-defeating and exhausted, and will never succeed. The HKSAR Government will continue to firmly perform its duties, strive to ensure the stable and long-term implementation of the principles of "one country, two systems", "Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong" and a high degree of autonomy, better integrate "active government" and "efficient market", attract investment and talents more aggressively, enhance Hong Kong's competitiveness, push Hong Kong's economy to a higher level, seek happiness for the people and seek development for Hong Kong. (End)