Teller Report

Fujian strives to build "new infrastructure" and strive to reach 2025% 5G user penetration rate by 70

8/18/2023, 1:47:23 PM

Highlights: Fujian continues to push the scale, capability level, and innovation level of new infrastructure construction to a new level. By 2025, Fujian will strive to build 10,70 ports of 32G-PON and above, and gigabit broadband access users will account for 5. Fuzhou, Xiamen and Quanzhou are all actively deploying "new infrastructure" as the "troika" of Fujian's economic development. The penetration rate of <>G users has reached <>%.

Fuzhou, 8 Aug (ZXS) -- Fujian continues to push the scale, capability level, and innovation level of new infrastructure construction to a new level. He Qiang, a first-level inspector of the Fujian Provincial Communications Administration, said on the 17th that it will appropriately advance the deployment of gigabit optical networks, continue to expand the coverage and popularization of gigabit optical networks, and deploy 17G-PON (passive optical network) ports on a large scale to promote the realization of "gigabit to home and 10,5 gigabit into enterprises"; At the same time, we will build high-quality 5G networks, expand the depth and breadth of 5G network coverage, and accelerate the in-depth coverage of <>G networks in key places such as central urban areas, transportation hubs, and industrial parks, and extend coverage in rural areas.

"New infrastructure" has become a new engine for Fujian to promote high-quality development in all directions. According to official information, Fujian's communication infrastructure has accelerated into the "double gigabit" era, and as of June this year, 6,5 8G base stations have been built, achieving 9G coverage in all townships, towns and districts and more than 85% of administrative villages, and taking the lead in achieving 5 kilometers of 30G coverage along the coast in the country.

He Qiang said that by 2025, Fujian will strive to build 10,70 ports of 32G-PON and above, and gigabit broadband access users will account for 5%; 12,5 70G base stations have been built, and the penetration rate of <>G users has reached <>%.

Wu Hongwu, director of the Office of Fujian Digital Fujian Construction Leading Group, said that Fujian will promote the coordinated gathering of various resources and elements in the field of "new infrastructure", widely guide social forces to participate in the construction and operation of new infrastructure, and accelerate the construction and upgrading of a new infrastructure system for the future.

As the "troika" of Fujian's economic development, Fuzhou, Xiamen and Quanzhou are all actively deploying "new infrastructure". Zhang Dingfeng, member of the Standing Committee of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee and executive vice mayor, said that Fuzhou will launch the international brand of "Digital Fuzhou" and build the "first city of digital application"; Promote the construction of "new infrastructure" projects such as the Fujian-Hong Kong Data Disaster Recovery and Storage Center and the Fujian-Hong Kong Digital Economy Integration, and promote the pilot of cross-border data flow.

Xiamen strengthened the project to plan a number of application scenario projects such as intelligent computing center and smart new airport. Ji Xiangfeng, vice mayor of Xiamen, said that it is necessary to accelerate the optimization and upgrading of the "city brain", deepen the construction of the "dual gigabit" network, promote the early completion and operation of the intelligent project of the Xiamen Olympic Sports Center, and build the Xiamen Data Port.

Quanzhou will further give full play to the characteristic advantages of high-quality integration of digital economy and manufacturing, focus on the construction of big data platform, and cultivate characteristic future industries. Wang Zhihong, vice mayor of Quanzhou City, said that he supports the construction of big data platforms for key industries such as footwear and clothing, textiles, stone, and ceramics, and strives to build aerospace big data centers and film and television big data centers. (End)