Teller Report

Pay attention to foreign trade to promote stability and quality: promote sea-rail combined transportation to promote cost reduction and efficiency increase

8/17/2023, 10:37:12 PM

Highlights: In the first half of this year, the sea-rail intermodal train of the new land-sea corridor in the west transported a total of 42,4 TEUs, a year-on-year increase of 10.5%. Qinzhou Port has opened 7 container direct routes to Thailand. For fresh fruits, meat and other products that are not easy to store, we have opened a cold chain train, and the temperature fluctuation is controlled within 3 degrees Celsius, reducing product loss. Qinzhou port has attracted more and more foreign trade enterprises by relying on its convenience and low cost of going to sea.

Promote sea-rail combined transportation to promote cost reduction and efficiency improvement (economic focus, focus on foreign trade to promote stability and quality)

Core reading

Open direct routes and cold chain trains, improve customs clearance efficiency, and build smart ports... In recent years, Guangxi Qinzhou Port has focused on the comprehensive policy of sea-rail combined transportation, giving full play to the power advantages of the big engine, and playing an active role in releasing the potential of foreign trade.

In the first half of this year, the sea-rail intermodal train of the new land-sea corridor in the west transported a total of 42,4 TEUs, a year-on-year increase of 10.5%; The total import and export value of relevant provinces along the new land-sea corridor in the west through Qinzhou port reached 594.97 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 19.6%.

As the sea hub of the new land-sea channel in the west, Guangxi Qinzhou Port gives full play to the advantages of sea-rail combined transportation, expands the scope, releases potential, and actively promotes the stable scale and excellent structure of foreign trade.

Reduce transit time

Reduce business costs

Recently, the "Haifeng Rizhao" ship carrying 35 containers of Thai durian slowly docked at the deep-water berth in the south operation area of Dalanping in Qinzhou Port. Six hours later, all customs clearance procedures were completed, and the fruits were transported to Qinzhou Port East Railway Station and delivered to supermarkets and farmers markets around the world through cold chain trains.

Lin Mao, a salesman from Hongjiu Fruit Supply Chain Management Company from Chongqing, has been engaged in the imported fruit business for nearly 3 years. "In recent years, fruits such as durian, mangosteen, longan, dragon fruit imported from Southeast Asia have become very popular in the domestic market." Lin Mao said that before the opening of the sea-rail intermodal train of the new land-sea corridor in the west, general cargo was generally imported through the Yangtze River Delta region and then transported from the Yangtze River channel to the southwest region, which took about 20 days.

"After the opening of the sea-rail intermodal train, taking Vietnam's mangosteen and dragon fruit as an example, it only takes two days to reach Chongqing after completing customs clearance procedures, and it is larger and safer than road transport." Lin Mao introduced.

In order to speed up direct shipping with Southeast Asian countries and further reduce the shipping time, Qinzhou Port has opened 7 container direct routes to Thailand. "For the transportation of tropical fruits, we have also negotiated the opening of the 'Fruit Express' from Laem Chabang to Qinzhou Port, which operates five times a week and can be delivered in only three days at the earliest." Zuo Kongtian, director of the Qinzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce, said.

As a key node of sea-rail combined transportation in the new land-sea corridor in the west, Qinzhou Port East Station has 24 hours a day to board and disembark goods and enter and exit the port, and up to 21 trains can be dispatched a day. "For fresh fruits, meat and other products that are not easy to store, we have opened a cold chain train, and the temperature fluctuation is controlled within 3 degrees Celsius, reducing product loss." Zhao Jian, deputy station director of the Qinzhou Port East Station of the Guangxi Coastal Railway Company, said.

In addition to the shortening of transportation time, the transportation cost of sea-rail intermodal transportation is also constantly decreasing. "It is estimated that the transportation cost per ton of talcum powder has dropped from more than 500 yuan to more than 300 yuan. Throughout the year, it can save more than 400 million yuan. Li Guangqiang, general manager of Guilin Guiguang Talc Development Co., Ltd., introduced that not only the transportation route is shortened, thanks to the service of the railway department, talcum powder can be directly loaded from the factory warehouse onto the container train, saving labor costs.

Improve customs clearance efficiency

Expand the scope of intermodal transportation

As an international land-sea combined transport hub, Qinzhou Port has attracted more and more foreign trade enterprises by relying on its convenience and low cost of going to sea. Export goods from Chongqing, Sichuan, Gansu and other places can be "disembarked and boarded" at Qinzhou Port, and imported goods from abroad can be "disembarked and boarded here".

At the Qinzhou Port Automation Terminal, the reporter saw that the container liner was undergoing packing operations. I saw a batch of containers containing auto parts slowly lifted into the cabin, and after loading, the liner will sail to Indonesia. "After the release of these containers, it only took 80 minutes from entering the bayonet to loading the ship, which compressed the intermediate logistics link by 12 hours compared with before." Chang Peng, head of the comprehensive business section of Qinzhou Port Customs, said.

In recent years, Qinzhou Port Customs has implemented the mode of "direct loading on arrival" of export container goods around fee reduction, efficiency improvement and customs clearance facilitation. "In the 'direct loading on arrival' mode, exporters only need to declare relevant information in advance, and after the system review is correct, they can pull the goods from the factory to Qinzhou Port for direct loading." Introduced by Chang Peng.

For specific imported container cargo, Qinzhou Port Customs provides front-end services to understand the needs of enterprises, and formulates a "shipside pickup" plan under the premise of coordinating port dispatch plans and cargo inspection requirements.

Thanks to the optimization of a series of customs clearance measures, the customs clearance efficiency of import and export goods in Qinzhou Port has been greatly improved. In the first half of this year, the overall customs clearance time for import and export at Qinzhou Port was 41.85 hours and 1.37 hours respectively, which was 2017.84% and 35.96% lower than that in 46.

At the same time, the scope of sea-rail combined transport is constantly expanding. "After investigation, we found that the transportation demand in Hunan, Sichuan and other places is growing rapidly, and the existing train capacity is difficult to meet. Therefore, this year, we have opened new sea-rail intermodal lines from Qinzhou Port East Station to Yueyang North Railway Station in Hunan Province, Guangyuan South Railway Station in Sichuan, and Qingbaijiang Railway Station. Zhao Jian said that the Guangxi Coastal Railway Company has also added non-ferrous metals, pharmaceuticals and other cargo transportation categories to meet transportation needs.

Up to now, Qinzhou Port has opened a total of 69 routes, reaching 119 ports in 393 countries and regions. At the same time, the sea-rail intermodal transport train of the new land-sea corridor in the west with Qinzhou as the transshipment center has been connected to the "line" into a "network", covering 18 stations in 61 cities in 120 provinces, and the sea-rail intermodal transport capacity has been greatly improved.

Build a smart port

Unleash the potential of foreign trade

"At present, the types of transported goods have increased from more than 50 ceramics and plates to more than 2600,<> including grain, auto parts, computer parts, decorative materials, etc." Introduced by Chang Peng.

Not only that, the number of sea-rail intermodal trains is also rising. "In the first half of this year, a total of 1747,29 sea-rail intermodal trains of the new land-sea corridor in the west were operated in Guangxi, a year-on-year increase of <>%." Li Qinghua, salesman of the marketing department of Guangxi Beibu Gulf International Intermodal Transport Development Co., Ltd., introduced.

Behind the rapid growth of data, it is inseparable from the intelligent construction of ports and terminals. On June 6, berths 29 and 9 of the second phase of the Qinzhou Port Automated Container Terminal successfully passed the opening and acceptance inspection, injecting new momentum into the construction of the international gateway port of the new land-sea channel in the west.

According to reports, after the completion of the second phase of the automated container terminal of Qinzhou Port, it can meet the operational needs of 20,161-ton ships, and the annual passing capacity is expected to reach 60.<> million TEU, an increase of more than <>,<> TEUs compared with the first phase of the project, which will greatly improve the loading and unloading efficiency of the port.

"The first phase of the Qinzhou Port Automated Container Terminal Project has been put into operation, equipped with intelligent and efficient automated loading and unloading equipment and horizontal transportation equipment, and has built a whole-process and all-region intelligent security system and an automated container terminal intelligent operation and maintenance platform system, realizing a high degree of informatization, standardization and full automation of operation of the container terminal." Wen Zuyi, member of the Party Committee and deputy general manager of Beibu Gulf Port Co., Ltd., said that compared with traditional manual terminals, the operation efficiency of automated terminals can be increased by about 30%, and the number of operators can be reduced by 90%.

Facing the future, how to make efforts? Li Tailin, chairman of Guangxi Beibu Gulf International Intermodal Transport Development Co., Ltd., believes that innovative business models are the key. "We have opened up the 'railway container launching' business, exporters only need to load the goods with railway containers locally, and then transport them to the port for loading and going to sea, without the need to load and unload the goods multiple times, which can solve the problems of high transportation costs and poor reverse loading timeliness."

In addition, under the tax rebate policy at the port of departure, after the export goods leave the inland port of departure, the customs department will automatically generate the export declaration information of the port of departure for enterprises to declare the tax refund, without waiting for the goods to arrive at the port of departure before going through customs clearance procedures as in the past. "This is another big plus, which significantly reduces the waiting time for tax refunds and also improves the capital turnover rate of enterprises." Li Tailin introduced.

"Strengthen the construction of smart ports, enrich the categories of cargo transportation, improve the efficiency of sea-rail combined transportation, and promote foreign trade to reduce costs and increase efficiency." In the future, we will continue to work hard. Li Tailin said.

(People's Daily reporter Zheng Yi)