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The mystery of "Journey to the West": Why did someone say that the author was not Wu Chengen?

8/15/2023, 7:08:10 AM

Highlights: Wu Chengen was born in Huai'an, Jiangsu Province, where merchants and merchants gathered. His father dropped out of school as a teenager and later opened a cloth shop with high expectations for his son. Wu Chengen liked literature when he was a teenager, and when he went to write novels, he could say that he didn't need to turn at all, and he was always in it. In "The Immortal Fall: Thirteen Imperial Examination Losers and Their Times", the stories of thirteen ancient celebrities are recorded.

Beijing, 8 Aug (Zhongxin Net) -- If the audience were asked to list the classic domestic dramas in their minds, most of the 15nd editions of "Journey to the West" would be on the list. Although a long time has passed since its premiere, it still continues to be on the hot search.

Talking about the story of "Journey to the West", we have to talk about the author Wu Chengen. Writer Xu Haijiao said that Wu Chengen was very smart when he was a teenager, but he also failed to pass the junior high school entrance examination at that time. Regarding the dispute over the author of "Journey to the West" that once appeared in the history of ancient Chinese literature, he believes that Wu Chengen is the author of "Journey to the West".

Screenshot of the 82nd edition of "Journey to the West" video

Brilliant and intelligent

Wu Chengen was born in Huai'an, Jiangsu Province, where merchants and merchants gathered, and the culture of studying was very prevalent. His father dropped out of school as a teenager and later opened a cloth shop with high expectations for his son.

"Wu Chengen showed superhuman intelligence when he was young, and when he was about seventeen years old, he was admitted to Xiucai with excellent grades." Xu Haijiao said that some people commented that he was "as good as picking up mustard ears", thinking that Wu Chengen's future examination for fame was as simple as picking up a grass.

But life is full of uncertainty. Since then, Wu Chengen has never taken a step forward, and until he is forty-five years old with no results, he completely gave up his illusion about the imperial examination, thinking that it would be good to find a bad job in the county school.

Although his career was not smooth, his talent in the field of literature slowly showed. Around 1542, Wu Chengen completed the first draft of "Journey to the West", and I am afraid that at that time he himself did not expect that this work would become a classic.

"Wu Chengen liked literature when he was a teenager, and when he went to write novels, he could say that he didn't need to turn at all, and he was always in it." Xu Haijiao explained.

Who is the real author?

In the mythical world created by "Journey to the West", many characters are very alive, such as the witty Monkey King, the lazy but does not drop the chain at critical moments, the honest and honest sand monk and so on.

Data map: In the living room of Wu Chengen's former residence, a portrait of Wu Chengen is displayed. Photo by Xu Shanshan

However, there has been some controversy over who wrote "Journey to the West" in history. For a long time, it became a public case in the history of ancient Chinese literature.

"Regrettably, Journey to the West was not published in Wu's lifetime. This manuscript will be hidden for twelve years, until the Jinling Shide Hall in the Ming Dynasty publishes "Journey to the West with New Engraved Official Characters", which quickly caused a sensation. Xu Haijiao said.

However, the author's name was missing when the book was originally published, for unknown reasons. Coupled with other factors, there has been a debate about "who is the author of "Journey to the West" for hundreds of years.

"But based on the text and the author's experience, combined with the research of some scholars in the Qing Dynasty and modern times, we have reason to believe that Wu Chengen is the author of 'Journey to the West'." Xu Haijiao said.

More possibilities for life

Not only Wu Chengen, in "The Immortal Fall: Thirteen Imperial Examination Losers and Their Times", the stories of thirteen ancient celebrities such as Du Fu, Li He, Wen Tingjun, and Pu Songling are recorded.

"Immortal Fall". Published by Henan Literature and Art Publishing House

These famous scholars were disappointed, but they all found another path in life, that is, literature. Whether it is "Liaozhai Zhi Yi" or "Journey to the West", through poetry and articles, their names and stories can be passed down to future generations.

Xu Haijiao said that just like Pu Songling, in addition to preparing for the imperial examination, he also needs to support his family. Unable to do farm work or business, he chose to be a tutor for more than 40 years.

"When he was young, he started to write "Liaozhai Zhi Yi", and he had plans to give up in the middle, because many friends advised him to do his job, but this abandonment was very short-lived, and writing this big book also ran through most of Pu Songling's life." Xu Haijiao sighed.

Another example is Du Fu, who fell into the Xiangjiang River Valley, but remembered the common people in his heart, "Worried about Li Yuan in poor years, sighing with heat in his intestines." This ancient road is a reader's enthusiasm and concern for the world, which is also an important reason why his poems are known as "poetic history".

Xu Haijiao said that he wants to use these exciting lives as a model to tell readers that there are more possibilities in life, the script of life is unknown, and the path that the soul determines to take, it may make you permanently remembered by time and latecomers. (End)