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Reveal the inside story on a large scale! "After reading, I want to download the anti-fraud APP"

8/15/2023, 8:56:23 PM

Highlights: "All or Nothing" focuses on transnational criminal activities such as online gambling traps and recruitment abduction. The movie is based on tens of thousands of real fraud cases, revealing the terrifying inside story of the entire overseas online fraud industry chain. The film does not shy away from the blood and cruelty of fraud gangs, those who are deceived will be beaten if they do not obey orders, or want to escape, endure all kinds of unimaginable torture, and live better than death. Many viewers said that after watching the movie, they remembered this sentence, "People have two hearts, one is greedy and the other is unwilling"

Beijing, August 8 (Zhongxin Net) -- With its super high topic degree and unique theme, the popular movie "All or Nothing" has attracted a considerable number of audiences, and the box office has grown steadily.

Taking the experiences of programmer Pan Sheng, model Anna and others as clues, "All or Nothing" focuses on transnational criminal activities such as online gambling traps and recruitment abduction, based on tens of thousands of real fraud cases, revealing the terrifying inside story of the entire overseas online fraud industry chain.

The start looks good, how far can "All or Nothing" go?

Image source: The official Weibo of the movie "All or Nothing"

Cupidity? Unwilling?

"All or Nothing" is more like a group drama, in which three characters are set up, which exactly represent three types of being deceived.

Programmer Pan Sheng is a high-tech talent who was ostracized in his original company, ran abroad to interview for high-paying jobs, and found himself trapped when he arrived at his destination. He tried to leave, but his documents were seized, and the violent intimidation of the fraud gang was unsuccessful.

Under coercion and lure, he began to use his skills to help the fraud gang, but he tried to save himself all the time and wanted to escape.

Here, he meets Anna. Anna is a model who suffered setbacks at work and was passively unemployed. She believed her girlfriend's sweet words, was introduced overseas to work in "high-paying jobs", and fell into the fire pit of a fraud gang.

Unlike Pan Sheng, "beautiful dealer, online dealer", Anna seems to quickly adapt to such a life, and even fantasizes about making a lot of money. She became a link in a chain of scams, chatting and gambling with fooled people to trick them into putting money in.

Gu Tianzhi is a gambler who has been sucked blood. His family is very good, after clicking on the pop-up ad, he was attracted by Anna's beauty, reason lost to greed, and under the drive of various factors, he began to "gamble - lose", and gradually fell into a vicious circle until he lost his wealth.

In the movie, the industrial chain of overseas fraud is basically presented, such as how to deceive people out of the country, the position of employees in the entire industrial chain, how to divide labor internally to implement fraud, how to attack potential targets, and so on.

Movie stills. Photo courtesy

Many viewers said that after watching the movie, they remembered this sentence, "People have two hearts, one is greedy and the other is unwilling." ”

Large-scale bottoming

From the content point of view, another feature of "All or Nothing" is the large-scale black industry chain of overseas online fraud factories.

The film does not shy away from the blood and cruelty of fraud gangs, those who are deceived will be beaten if they do not obey orders, or want to escape, endure all kinds of unimaginable torture, and live better than death.

Pan Sheng wrote the distress call on the banknote, hoping that the person who got the money would call the police after seeing the information and save him. It's just that the money can't be spent three and five times, and around and around, Ma Zi discovers the secret of the money, and Pan Sheng is beaten to the point of breaking his leg.

Anna's situation is also not good, she is bullied and her fingers are pricked bloodily. She realized she had done something wrong, jumped out of the car and fled, and was caught again.

After falling into the gambling vortex, Ah Tian went to a dead end. A powerful contrast emerges: on the one hand, the fraud gang happily celebrates the success of the scam, and on the other hand, Ah Tian commits suicide and becomes a vegetative person, and his relatives are grieving.

Wang Chuanjun plays Lu Bingkun, the leader of the fraud gang, who is gentle on the surface, but in fact he is ruthless. When brainwashing his subordinates, he also uttered a thought-provoking sentence, "It's not that we are bad, it's that they are greedy." ”

Everyone hates the ruthlessness and greed of fraud gangs, but if you can be vigilant, not too greedy for profit, and don't be blinded by the unrealistic so-called "high income", will it reduce the probability of being deceived?

The scary thing is that the movie may only present the tip of the iceberg of "online fraud" in reality. The film's director Shen Ao once said that considering the needs of all ages to watch movies, some overly stimulating pictures were shortened in the production.

Image source: The official Weibo of the movie "All or Nothing".

He also responded: "From the time of the preparation of this film, including the scheduled premiere, I have always received private messages and threats from various overseas IPs, but I believe that the police of the motherland will protect us and protect everyone in the crew." ”

The controversy of "large-scale screening"

According to the data of Lighthouse Professional Edition, as of August 8, the total box office of the film "All or Nothing" exceeded 7 million yuan (RMB), becoming the total box office champion of Chinese film history.

Previously, its ultra-high ranking film screening once caused controversy. Some people believe that the large-scale screening of the near-full release is "ugly", squeezing the arrangement of other films; Some people also feel that this is market behavior, the movie is good, and the arrangement will increase.

Columnist Han Haoyue believes that "All or Nothing" has realistic elements and the content is in line with the hot topics that people pay attention to, this theme is relatively rare in domestic films, and there has also been a breakthrough in the shooting scale, and it is normal to receive attention from the sinking market.

However, in terms of character shaping, the personalities of some characters appear to be somewhat flat, the overall plot of the movie is relatively flat, and some key plots are driven by "coincidence". In addition, its social value is greater than its own artistic value, which has great warning significance.

"After watching the movie, I really want to download the national anti-fraud APP." When watching the movie, Han Haoyue found that two-thirds of the seats were full, "Maybe after watching the movie, people will be more vigilant about those gambling advertisements and pie in the world." ”

"Don't think you can't be scammed, it might just be that you didn't come across a script that targets you." In addition to movies, how to improve anti-fraud awareness may be one of the topics that people need to pay the most attention to in reality. (End)