Teller Report

Overseas victims involved in fraud narrate: making "pig killing plates" and eating "pig food"

8/15/2023, 11:26:48 PM

Highlights: In August 2020, Qin Fei from Yongjia Mountain, Zhejiang Province, and Lv Ming from the same village learned through netizen "Mr. Liu" that the treatment of working as a hotel waiter in a certain place in Southeast Asia was quite good. The two with neither education nor skills held the mentality of giving it a try, and said goodbye to relatives and friends, and went to a foreign country. Qin Fei and Lu Ming were asked to learn script techniques and use their phones to find potential targets on social software.

"The air in China is sweet to breathe!" At 8 p.m. on August 6, Qin Fei (pseudonym) and Lv Ming (pseudonym), who had just returned from the border port, were at Xishuangbanna Airport in Yunnan, excitedly waiting for a flight to Kunming.

In the past 3 years, their experience in overseas fraud dens is like a real-life version of "All or Nothing", and some scenes are even more brutal than the plot of the movie. What exactly did they go through? A reporter from the "Rule of Law Daily" recently interviewed him.

Lured by high salaries, go astray

"The salary is very good, and when you come, you will earn it." In August 2020, Qin Fei from Yongjia Mountain, Zhejiang Province, and Lv Ming from the same village learned through netizen "Mr. Liu" that the treatment of working as a hotel waiter in a certain place in Southeast Asia was quite good, and the two with neither education nor skills held the mentality of giving it a try, said goodbye to relatives and friends, and went to a foreign country.

After arriving at their destination, the passports of the two were confiscated by "Mr. Liu", and the so-called "hotel" was actually a poorly decorated office building with armed men guarding the door with live ammunition, and Qin Fei and Lu Ming realized that they were locked up in a "fraud park".

When the two proposed to leave, "Mr. Liu" changed his face, "Either complete the performance and leave, or let your family pay the ransom." Looking at the fierce and vicious managers, the two were silent and could only follow them to the staff dormitory.

"The dormitory there is simply not inhabited, it stinks and disgusting." Qin Fei said that more than a dozen people lived in the staff dormitory of more than a dozen square meters, either sleeping on the ground or sleeping on wooden boards.

What made Qin Fei even more desperate was the diet, "In the 3 years over there, I haven't eaten a normal meal, and the food there is not even as good as the pig food in our village."

"The project we are doing is actually 'pig killing plate', first pretending to be 'Bai Fumei' and 'Gao Fushuai' to find targets on the Internet to fall in love, and then use inside information to lure them to invest or gamble." On their first day at the "scam park," Qin Fei and Lv Ming were asked to learn script techniques and use their phones to find potential targets on social software.

In a large office, there are more than 20 people sitting, each controlling more than a dozen mobile phones, and the accounts used by Qin Fei and Lu Ming are usually packaged "Bai Fumei".

"If the other party asks for a voice or video call, the company will immediately call the female model to respond." Lv Ming said that in order to let the victims fall into the scam completely, the company also specially found several beautiful female models to be on standby at any time.

Failure to complete performance is subject to corporal punishment

"We work almost 14 hours a day, and if we don't complete our performance, we face corporal punishment such as squats and running." Qin Fei said that if someone escapes, it is not just corporal punishment.

"In the early hours of one morning, two young men tied a rope and tried to climb down the window to escape, but they were seen by the company's cleaners, and after they were arrested, they were beaten in turns, and none of them were good." Qin Fei recalled while describing the scene at that time, "One of them was sold somewhere else after being crippled, and I don't know where he went."

Under extreme mental pressure, almost no people in the "park" dared to resist, and were forced to constantly look for new scammers every day.

"Everyone here knows that they are committing fraud, and they know that it is illegal, but if they don't do it, they will be beaten, and over time they will become numb." Qin Fei said.

Although Qin Fei and Lu Ming worked day and night for the fraud syndicate, they had more and more debts on them.

"Over there, it costs money to breathe air." Qin Fei said that they not only have to pay for food, beds, utilities, and even equipment for mobile phones used for fraud, and not only have they not received a penny of salary for three years, but they have also borne debts of more than 3,<> yuan.

After escaping, he was called to the police and recaptured

At the end of 2021, the "park" where Qin Fei worked could not continue to "operate" due to various factors, and Qin Fei and Lv Ming were sold by "Mr. Liu" to work in other nearby "fraud parks", which were also engaged in "pig killing plates".

"The fraud syndicate is particularly sensitive, and Lv Ming and I are often 'rented' by 'Mr. Liu' to work in different 'parks', and I can't remember how many 'parks' we have changed." Qin Fei said that he had escaped in the process of changing the "park" and called the police locally, but it was not the rescue, but "Mr. Liu", "I felt that I would definitely die, fortunately they did not die, but I owe them another amount of money."

In the process of being "rented" again and again, Qin Fei pretended to be "honest" and gradually gained the trust of "Mr. Liu", getting in touch with his family and seeking opportunities to escape during his pretending to work.

In July 2023, the Yongjia County Public Security Bureau of Zhejiang Province found clues about Qin Fei and Lv Ming being defrauded by a fraud group outside the predicament during the summer public security crackdown and rectification operation, and after understanding the relevant situation, with the cooperation of overseas Yongjia villagers, finally broke through the obstacles and safely rescued the two back to China.

Today, Qin Fei and Lu Ming, who have successfully returned to China, have regained their freedom, but the 3 years of living in the "park" have left them not only physical injuries, but also indelible psychological injuries. "We want to warn those who vainly try to 'fight and get rich for three generations', you are not facing success but an abyss!" (Rule of Law Daily reporter Wang Chun, correspondent Chen Kai)