Teller Report

Langenselbold: Woman is said to have chased man with club and lighter

8/15/2023, 2:46:52 PM

Highlights: A woman is said to have attacked her partner in Langenselbold, Hesse, with a rubber truncheon and a lighter. According to the 30-year-old, the woman splashed him with an unknown liquid and then pursued him with the lighter. The man ran away and dialed the emergency number. He was slightly injured, suffered scratches and abrasions. The woman is now being investigated on suspicion of dangerous bodily injury. She was found in the night by a police patrol, but did not want to comment further.

A separation talk in the Hessian town of Langenselbold has apparently escalated: A 29-year-old is said to have pursued a 30-year-old – the man said he feared being set on fire.

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Police operation (symbolic image)

Photo: Friso Gentsch/ dpa

A woman is said to have attacked her partner in Langenselbold, Hesse, with a rubber truncheon and a lighter. According to the 30-year-old, the woman splashed him with an unknown liquid and then pursued him with the lighter, police in Offenbach said. He had feared that she wanted to set him on fire.

According to a police statement, the couple had met on Monday evening at the train station for a separation talk. According to the information, the conversation escalated after a short time, the 29-year-old woman is said to have first hit the man with the club and then pursued him. The man ran away and dialed the emergency number. He was slightly injured, suffered scratches and abrasions. When the police arrived, the woman had already disappeared.

The 29-year-old is now being investigated on suspicion of dangerous bodily injury. She had been found in the night by a police patrol, but did not want to comment further.
