Teller Report

Jilin Shulan disaster-stricken township resumed production: orchards opened their doors to welcome customers

8/15/2023, 3:06:09 AM

Highlights: In early August, the northeast of Shulan City experienced the heaviest rainfall since the flood season. Flooding caused road damage, collapse of houses and collapse of crops in the townships of Jinma, Kaiyuan and Qili Township. At present, various localities are promoting post-disaster reconstruction. As a large agricultural county, the villagers also strive to "not miss the agricultural time" in this northeastern county.. China News Network Jilin, August 8 Topic: Jil in Shulans disaster-stricken township resumed production: orchards opened to welcome customers.

China News Network Jilin, August 8 Topic: Jilin Shulan disaster-stricken township resumed production: orchards opened to welcome customers

China News Network reporter Cang Yan Shi Hongyu

At the beginning of autumn, in Fu Zemin's orchard, the fruit that was about to ripen bent the branches. The weather finally cleared, he took a shovel and his son to patrol the mountain together, and when he encountered a water channel that was still poorly drained, the two of them worked together to dredge and observe the state of hanging fruit.

"At this time of year, the orchard is also open for customers." Fu Zemin, 65, said as he straightened a leaning fruit tree. In Qili Township, Shulan City, this 10-hectare orchard is a "famous" attraction – hundreds of villagers work here during busy farming hours, and the sweetness of the fruit is passed down by word of mouth, attracting tourists from as far as Wuchang and Daqing in Heilongjiang.

At present, Fu Zemin and his family have worked hard to keep the orchard open as usual.

In early August, the northeast of Shulan City experienced the heaviest rainfall since the flood season, causing road damage, collapse of houses and collapse of crops in the townships of Jinma, Kaiyuan and Qili Township. At present, various localities are promoting post-disaster reconstruction. As a large agricultural county, the villagers also strive to "not miss the agricultural time".

Fu Zemin is checking the status of the fruit. Photo by reporter Shi Hongyu

Fu Zemin's orchard has fish ponds and farmhouses. A regular customer took the lead in "holding the scene" after the flood and ordered fish stew and ribs for firewood. Cooking smoke rises in the orchard from the morning, and the aroma of iron pot stew spreads out. The first "big business" here began with lunch, and Fu Zemin specially prepared some fruits for the other party.

Fu Zemin, like many villagers, received help from many people. "Fruit trees also have a 'golden hour' for rescue, and they will die out if they stay in the mud for too long." He said that the township government coordinated large machinery to help "discharge the flood", and the officers and soldiers who came to support were responsible for cleaning up the silt and salvaging some fruit trees.

Fu Zemin recalled that at noon on the 3rd, heavy rain poured for nearly 4 hours, and in the evening, a landslide occurred on the mountain where the orchard was located, causing him to lose nearly 1000,<> fruit trees. "There are some losses, but many old customers have to come to hold the business."

In Zhuqi village, several kilometers away, 54-year-old Song Yingzhi has been busy in his family's vineyard. He built eight sheds this year, which are expected to produce tens of thousands of catties, but flooding has disrupted production here.

"I've had neighbors drive over to help these days, and I don't know how to express my appreciation." Song Yingzhi was busy late every day, and after collecting their houses, nearby villagers took the initiative to come to the vineyard to "assemble" - they cut rotten vines with scissors, and used shovels and vehicles to remove damaged fruit. "I won't pay for the car's fuel."

Seeing cart after cart of fruits transported away, Song Yingzhi bluntly said that he "felt bad in his heart." But the safety of his family and the warm-heartedness of the villagers keep him confident about the future of the vineyard. As of the 13th, villagers had helped sell and buy grapes that had not passed through the water, worth <>,<> or <>,<> yuan.

In this northeastern county, agricultural reconstruction affected by flooding is still in full swing. After the disaster occurred, 24 sets of drainage equipment, including drainage pumps, large-scale axial flow pumps, and pump trucks, were urgently dispatched to carry out drainage operations in the affected townships and towns. At the same time, small water pumps and oil were distributed to the affected farmers to help them drain their stagnant water as soon as possible.

In half a month, Fu Zemin's chicken heartnuts will be ripe, which is his family's "trump card" product. He hoped that his home had been restored as yesterday and that there were many tourists. (End)