Teller Report

In the first half of the year, Chinese police detected 2,9 cases of crimes related to damage to the ecological environment

8/15/2023, 6:16:23 AM

Highlights: August 15 is China's first national ecological day. In the first half of this year, public security organs across the country detected a total of 8,15 cases of crimes related to damaging the ecological environment. Focusing on the goal of improving the diversity, stability and sustainability of ecosystems, the police paid close attention to key areas for the breeding and migration of wild animals and plants such as national parks and nature reserves. In addition, the Ministry of Public Security will work with the natural resources department to improve the system of linking executions and promote coordinated governance.

Beijing, 8 Aug (ZXS) -- August 15 is China's first national ecological day. The reporter learned from China's Ministry of Public Security that in the first half of this year, public security organs across the country detected a total of 8,15 cases of crimes related to damaging the ecological environment, and the Ministry of Public Security supervised and handled 2 major cases.

Focusing on the implementation of major national strategies such as service guarantee for the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, the public security organs organized and carried out a series of special actions such as "Kunlun" to severely crack down on all kinds of criminal activities that damage the ecological environment in accordance with the law.

Focusing on the three major defense goals of blue sky, clear water and pure land, the public security organs have paid close attention to the criminal activities of polluting the atmosphere, water bodies, soil and environmental fraud, and continued to launch a fierce offensive, successfully detecting a number of major cases, such as the "8.29" environmental pollution case in Qianguo, Jilin, and the environmental pollution case of a company in Shenzhen, Guangdong; Focusing on the goal of improving the diversity, stability and sustainability of ecosystems, the police paid close attention to key areas for the breeding and migration of wild animals and plants such as national parks and nature reserves, and severely cracked down on criminal activities such as endangering precious and endangered wild animals, destroying ancient and famous trees, illegal hunting, illegal fishing, endangering plants under national key protection, and illegal logging and deforestation, and investigated and handled the case of Hubei Enshi Feng and others endangering plants under national key protection in accordance with the law, and Luding, Sichuan "7.13" A number of typical cases such as cases of endangering precious and endangered wild animals.

Focusing on safeguarding national food security and resource security, the public security organs have severely cracked down on crimes such as illegal excavation of black soil, illegal mining of sea sand, illegal mining, and illegal occupation of agricultural land in accordance with the law, and carried out a series of special actions in conjunction with relevant departments, effectively curbing relevant illegal and criminal activities, effectively promoting source control, and promptly eliminating a number of hidden risks that endanger ecological and environmental security. In addition, the Ministry of Public Security will work with the natural resources department to improve the system of linking executions and promote coordinated governance. (End)