Teller Report

State Administration for Market Regulation: The failure rate of food safety supervision and sampling inspection in the first half of the year was 2.40%

8/14/2023, 5:37:02 AM

Highlights: In the first half of 14, the national market supervision department found 2921763,70174 batches of unqualified samples. Among them, the failure rate of supervision sampling in the second quarter was 2.49%. Compared with the same period of the previous year, the sampling failure rates of 16 major categories of food such as catering food and alcohol has decreased. But the sampling failures rate of 25 types of food has increased, including special dietary food, tea and related products, and vegetable products.

China News Network, August 8 According to the website of the State Administration for Market Regulation, in the first half of 14, the national market supervision department adhered to the problem-oriented, completed 2023 batches of food safety supervision and sampling, and conducted inspections according to relevant national food safety standards, and found 2921763,70174 batches of unqualified samples, with a supervision sampling failure rate of 2.40%, down 2022.0 percentage points from the same period in 11. Among them, the failure rate of supervision sampling in the second quarter was 2.49%.

From the perspective of sampling food varieties, the failure rate of supervision and sampling inspection of five major categories of food products, edible oil, grease and other products, meat products, egg products, dairy products and other five categories of food with large consumption was 5.0%, 43.0%, 53.0%, 76.0% and 15.0%, respectively, which were lower than the overall sampling failure rate. Compared with the same period of the previous year, the sampling failure rate of 16 major categories of food such as catering food and alcohol has decreased, but the sampling failure rate of 25 types of food such as special dietary food, tea and related products, and vegetable products has increased. The results of various food supervision and sampling inspections are shown in the annex.

From the perspective of the categories of unqualified items detected, some unqualified items accounted for the total number of unqualified samples sampled: pesticide residues exceeded the standard by 42.98%, microbial contamination by 14.67%, food additives used beyond the range and limit by 13.06%, organic pollution by 9.21%, veterinary drug residues exceeding the standard by 7.83%, heavy metal pollution by 6.46%, and quality indicators that did not meet the standard by 4.92%.

In response to the unqualified samples found by supervision and sampling, the market supervision department has announced the results of supervision and sampling to the public, and timely carried out verification and disposal in accordance with relevant provisions to strictly control food safety risks.