Teller Report

Above the authority – whoever buried Syrians in the pit of solidarity "fell into it"

8/11/2023, 6:25:13 PM

Highlights: German authorities have arrested one of those accused of participating in the massacre of Hay al-Tadamon in Syria. In April last year, the British newspaper The Guardian published a video showing a group of armed forces affiliated with Syrian regime forces in 2013 executing 41 civilians. The episode highlighted the change in the position of the Egyptian Nasserist politician Hamdeen Sabahi, who stated in 2012 from Cairo that the blood of Syrian children will haunt the regime of Bashar al-Assad until the end.

German authorities have arrested one of those accused of participating in the massacre of Hay al-Tadamon in Syria, which was carried out by gunmen affiliated with the regime of Bashar al-Assad against dozens of Syrians in April 2013, according to the British newspaper The Guardian.

In April last year, the British newspaper The Guardian published a video showing a group of armed forces affiliated with Syrian regime forces in 2013 executing 41 civilians, including 7 women and a number of children, and then throwing them into a ditch, before setting their bodies on fire.

The episode (2023/8/11) of the program "Above the Authority" dealt with the arrest of the German Federal Police called "Ahmed Al-Hamrouni", after 3 years of research and scrutiny, in which the Syrian Center for Justice and Accountability participated by providing important information and various documents.

According to the executive director of the Syrian Center, Mohammed al-Abdullah, the criminal police in Germany have videos showing this person with Branch 227 of the Syrian regime militia, which committed violations against Syrians.

According to Syrian media, the so-called "Ahmed al-Hamrouni", who was arrested by the German authorities, participated in committing crimes against humanity when he worked as a leader for the Syrian regime in the Tadamon neighborhood south of Damascus between 2012 and 2015, and is a close friend of intelligence officer Amjad Youssef, who was responsible for the massacre in the Tadamon neighborhood.

A statement by the German Federal General Office said that an element suspected of belonging to the Syrian regime militia was arrested on high suspicion of crimes against humanity and war crimes, the Syrian citizen "Ahmed H."

In this context, the episode highlighted the change in the position of the Egyptian Nasserist politician Hamdeen Sabahi, who stated in 2012 from Cairo that the blood of Syrian children will haunt the regime of Bashar al-Assad until the end, after his visit last week to Damascus at the head of a delegation from the Arab National Congress.

In addition, the episode of "Above the Authority" dealt with the following topics:

– Israeli doctors receive offers to work in the Gulf

– Sudanese child disappears every 60 minutes and famine is coming

– Saied objects to the ranking of news on Tunisian television

– The Minister of Economy of Lebanon provokes the State of Kuwait with a stroke of a pen

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