Teller Report

Check in Wuyuan Huangling Autumn French blogger meets the Chinese countryside

8/10/2023, 1:35:39 PM

Highlights: In 2014, the landscape symbol "Huangling Autumn" was selected as the "Most Beautiful Chinese Symbol" It is understood that during this year's autumn cultural season, "Autumn + Art" is a form of expression of the spirit of the Chinese people. In the past two days, more than 8 celebrities from around the world have visited Wuyuan to experience the beauty of the autumn season and the traditional Chinese way of life. They have shared their photos of their experiences with the public.

Wuyuan, Jiangxi, 8 Aug (ZXS) -- "Hello all the villagers in Huangling! I am Milena from France, the first time I walked into the Chinese countryside, it made me so amazing, there are so many interesting customs, there are happy smiling faces everywhere..." French blogger Milena left the Huangling scenic spot in Wuyuan, Jiangxi on the 10th, and sent her true feelings to the scenic staff through WeChat.

On August 8, more than 8 domestic and foreign Internet celebrity bloggers, including Milena (second from right), walked into Huangling Ancient Village in Xiwuyuan. Photo by Cheng Wukun

At the beginning of autumn, the 40th Huangling Autumn Cultural Season opened in Huangling Ancient Village, Wuyuan, Jiangxi. In the past two days, more than <> Internet celebrity bloggers at home and abroad, including Milena, have deeply experienced the beauty of autumn and felt the charm of traditional Chinese countryside.

Milena's husband is a Chinese, and she has always had a strong interest in traditional Chinese culture such as tea, poetry, and traditional Chinese medicine, and she came to China to reunite with her husband six months ago. "The first time I went into the Chinese countryside, it was very intimate, and the character here is very strong, including the architecture, scenery, food, and of course, the villagers."

On August 8, a huge text spelled out with grain on a platform in the Huangling Scenic Area of Wuyuan, Jiangxi Province, was quite conspicuous. Photo by Cheng Wukun

Standing at the autumn viewing platform of Wuyuan Huangling, crops such as peppers, corn, peanuts, and mung beans are drying on the drying rack, and the brightly colored crops and gray and white Hui-style buildings present a good "abundant" scene. On one platform, the huge words spelled out with grain "Come to Huangling, bask in autumn" are quite conspicuous.

Wu Xiangyang, chairman of Wuyuan Huangling Scenic Area and honorary village chief of Huangling, said that "drying autumn", as the foundation of Huangling culture, is the daily life of villagers and the joy of farmers' harvest. "As the origin of autumn culture, Huangling holds the autumn cultural season every year, mainly to display and protect this rural culture through traditional forms, so that tourists at home and abroad can deeply experience Chinese local folk customs."

In Milena's view, many of the local traditions have been preserved, and the previous way of life and various folk rituals have been very well preserved. "I think that through these rituals, people can feel the beauty and character of this place, which is a particularly profound beauty and the essence of the local rural culture."

In 2014, the landscape symbol "Huangling Autumn" was selected as the "Most Beautiful Chinese Symbol". It is understood that during this year's autumn cultural season, Huangling Scenic Area has derived innovative cultural forms such as "Huangling to Sun Life Festival", "Autumn + Art" and "Autumn + Cultural Creativity", enriching the form and expression of "coming to Huangling and basking in autumn".

"My experience here was shared with my family and friends as soon as possible, sending photos to tell them about the food I tasted, the beautiful scenery I saw, the new friends I met, and I also shared the beautiful scenery of autumn and the quaint homestay room on social platforms, and I will definitely come back again when I have the opportunity." Looking back on the two wonderful experiences, Milena said. (End)